Chapter 42: Octo Expansion's Climax! Saving All Cephalopods!

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Azazel: Hey guys! Ready for some more Into the Light Remake? Just make sure that when you're reading, you turn the lights on in the room! And don't stare too close at your screen!


(Agent 8's POV)

On the helicopter, everyone was shocked to hear Commander Tartar's plans to wipe out all cephalopods on Earth and to herald his vision for humanity's return--unable to swallow what he had just said.

Nana: What do something so horrible!?

Commander Tartar: {Because you measly scraps of seafood are nothing but an inferior species to the true rulers of this planet. No... The galaxy! It is in their nature to enslave and/or exterminate all they looked down upon--all in an effort to ensure that mankind will survive and to assert anthropocentrism. I shan't hand over this world to vermin like you!! With this cannon, I'll scatter my primordial ooze and bring the Earth under my dominion!!} 

He started to laugh like a madman as they saw the cannon emerge from the mouth of the NILS Statue, seeing four blenders on it that contained the primordial ooze inside them.

Pearl: Yo... What the heck is that!?

Marina: Gimme a sec... I'm analyzing it. I'm picking up a massive amount of energy emanating from that statue.

Pearl: Uh... That doesn't sound good.

Marina: So, yeah... That statue is charging up enough energy to destroy the entire world.

Hachi: N... No way...

Goggles: Does your taste include pickled veggies? *He said as he was eating pickled veggies and his onigiri*

Specs: You're still eating!?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: We've got a lot.

Commander Tartar: 💢 {"Paste", not "taste"!}

Goggles: Pickled veggies are tasty~

Cap'n Cuttlefish: It was great. We had a pickling stone.

Specs: IDIOT!!

Rider: If that stuff spreads, it'll do more than cover Inkopolis.

Diana: Everyone will become a slave to his will, and he'll turn all of us into his primordial ooze for the ultimate lifeform.

Agent 8: We can't let that happen!

Goggles: We promised Hachi that we would do Turf Wars together!

Specs: Yeah, let's stop it!

Headphones: Right!

Bobble Hat: Right~

Hachi: Everyone...!

Rider: The problem's how we do stop it.

Marina: Hmm... let's see... The entire statue seems to be absorbing sunlight and converting it into energy. So if we cover the whole thing in ink, we should be able to stop it from charging...

Pearl: You're saying we gotta ink that entire hunk of rock? Seriously!?

Marina: Well, we can use the hyperbombs I'm working on, but they're still prototypes. They have to be manually detonated, so they will have to shoot each one.

Pearl: What can I do?

Marina: Once the statue isn't charging anymore, you need to hit it with a full-power battle cry.

Pearl: Wait, what!? I haven't done that in forever. I don't even know if I can do it anymore.

Marina: Well, we only have about three minutes until that thing is ready to fire.

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