Chapter 40: Dark Truth Revealed! Let's Get Out of Here!

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Azazel: Hey guys! Ready for some more Into the Light Remake? Just make sure that when you're reading, you turn the lights on in the room! And don't stare too close at your screen!


(Agent 8's POV)

Everyone was on the train, heading to the next line in the Deepsea Metro. They were shocked to see that Specs was on the train, with some tunicates all over his body.

Goggles: There he is!!

Bobble Hat: Something's sprouting~

Hachi: Those are passengers, right?

Headphones: How calm!

Agent 8 wasn't paying attention as she was looking through ♪MARINA'S CHAT★ROOM♪, to see that another session was out.

DJ_Hyperfresh > Battery's almost dead. I'm gonna go grab my charger.
MC.Princess > Word
■Webmaster■ > DJ_Hyperfresh has left the chatroom.
MC.Princess > Man, there's nuthin to do when it's just me and you here cap...
CraigCuttlefish > what do you mean
MC.Princess > Uuuuugh i'm booored
MC.Princess > But maybe I'll do a lil research on u. See whhat kinda dirt I can dig up.
CraigCuttlefish > i have nothing to hide
MC.Princess > We'll see

Princess > We'll see

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MC.Princess > The heck is this?
MC.Princess > "The Squidbeak Splatoon, led by Second Lieutenant Cuttlefish, visited grievous losses upon the forces of the enemy during the bitter siege of Arowana Castle."
CraigCuttlefish > that takes me back
MC.Princess > Dang cap. Guess ur the real deal.

Once that session was over, they arrived at the Central Station, and Specs was given a suit provided by Cap'n Cuttlefish.

Once that session was over, they arrived at the Central Station, and Specs was given a suit provided by Cap'n Cuttlefish

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Specs: Wheeew! I didn't know what was gonna happen.

Goggles: But thank goodness you're okay!

Headphones: All of Team Blue is here now!!

Bobble Hat: And in matching suits~

Hachi: So you're Specs!

Specs: Hello.

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