Chapter 19: The Evil Wizard Is Coming! Happy Halloween!

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This is a time when the ghosts and goblins come creeping out of the darkness, when the Halloween comes up and grabs you with blood-stained claws. Just wait and see what I got for this Halloween special on Into the Light Remake, mwahahahahaha.


Azazel: Hey guys! Ready for some more--

Merasmus: Fuck you!

I got pushed out of the way by Merasmus.

Merasmus: Say...does anyone here love Halloween!? Happy Halloween, everybody! FOREVER!!


The gang screamed as they were being teleported to somewhere else.

Rider: Where the fuck are we going!?

Skull: Hell if I know!!

Eventually, they would arrived at their destination: an old looking manor in the middle of nowhere.

Eventually, they would arrived at their destination: an old looking manor in the middle of nowhere

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Army: Where the heck are we...?

Mask: If I'm dead, I must be in Hell.

Headphones: Let's stay calm... We can get out of this.

A spider landed on her shoulder and she screamed from it touching her.

Headphones: Get it off!!

She got it off and crushed it with her shoe.

Headphones: That was scary...

Skull: Let's have a look inside. Maybe we can find clues.

They all nodded and they went to the front doors of the manor.

Headphones: I have a bad feeling about this...

Bobble Hat: This will be fun!

She laughs, scaring Specs and Headphones.

Specs & Headphones: That's not funny!!

Aloha: Settle down, guys.

He opens the doors, leading them inside the manor.

As they went inside, they saw a portrait of two men on the wall.

As they went inside, they saw a portrait of two men on the wall

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