Chapter 30: Octomania 2021

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Hitarashi: Hey guys! Ready for some more Into the Light Remake? Just make sure that when you're reading, you turn the lights on in the room! And don't stare too close at your screen!


(Azazel's POV)

I put the sword away as I walked back to the rest of the Agents.

Gloves: Thanks for saving us, man.

Goggles: You sure pulled our butts out of the fire.

Azazel: I did what I had to in order to save my friends. I would never let them kill you.

Goggles: I feel a little sorry for those guys. They just lost their teammate. They must be devastated.

Ichijou: Man, I can't believe he killed Kawashima like that...

Hitarashi: It breaks my hearts...

Yamagata: We'll give her a proper burial when we get back home...

They fell to their knees to show respect to their fallen comrade.

Yamagata: You should report this to the Captain, Ichijou.

Ichijou: What? Why?

Yamagata: You're his right-hand woman.

Ichijou: I guess you got a point there, babe.

They shared a brief kiss before they got back up and sent Hitarashi to fight me.

Azazel: So, are we gonna do this or wha--

Hitarashi: HIT...MY MUSIC!

Hitarashi: Azazel, you think that just because you're a Highling that you're the best there is at what you do... But let me tell you something, brother: you ain't no Wolverine! And you ain't got what it takes to step up to a five...time...champion!

Ichijou: This fight right here is gonna be a bloomin' slobberknocker it is.

Yamagata: You can just feel the intensity!

Azazel: I'm sorry, are you doing commentary?

Yamagata: Yeah, we're talking to the audience.

Ichijou: That's right, mate.

Hitarashi Your people talk about their legends, and their intelligence, and their traditions, but that doesn't mean a damn thing to this man! Because you...are...DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!

He does a fighting pose, accompanied by the audience cheering at him, which dies down along with the music as Goggles and Gloves are seen to be cautious.

Azazel: If that's how you wanna play it, then I'm just gonna have to kill you quickly. Now hit...MY music.

I got myself into the stance reminiscent of Jeet Kune Do, the marital art style of the legendary Bruce Lee.

Hitarashi puts his fists up as he gets into his wrestling stance.

I reverted to my squid form and I Super Jumped towards Hitarashi, punching him in the face as I Super Jumped to get behind him and I landed a double axe handle on him, dealing heavy damage.

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