Chapter 47: A Nice Vacation With A Ronin's Harem

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I know that Splatoon Island is an April Fools joke and that it isn't canon, but I wanted to include this as a bonus before the season finale that'll be coming out soon. If you guys do want Splatoon Island to be canon in the overarching Into the Light story, leave a comment down below or hit the vote button.

Hope you guys enjoy it, and I'll see you guys later.


Minai: The following is a non-profit, fan-based fictional story. Splatoon is owned by Nintendo, Hisashi Nogami, and Shintaro Sato. Please support the official release. Hehe~ "Release"~


(Azazel's POV)

It has been two months since we rescued Callie from DJ Octavio's grasp and returned the Great Zapfish to Inkopolis. We also handed over Commander Tartar's scheme to eliminate all cephalopods on Earth and establish a new era for the Elder Race. A significant portion of our recent missions involved confronting stubborn warlords who refuse to surrender. However, today, I received a suggestion from Marie over the phone that was quite distinct from our regular tasks.

Azazel: A vacation? It does sound like a nice change of pace, Marie.

I find the concept of taking a vacation quite appealing. Given all the effort we have put in for Marie and Cap'n Cuttlefish, a break would be beneficial for all of us.

Marie: {I think you guys deserve a break after everything you've done for the New Squidbeak Splatoon. So I'm fixing to invite us all to this new island resort that's been recently making headlines.}

Azazel: I think I've heard about the new resort. They're saying it's the new travel hotspot on social media, and topics about it are blowing up. Like that one commercial, I watched.

Last night, I was lounging on the couch, scrolling through cable TV channels in search of something to watch. Despite the popularity of live streaming services, there's a certain nostalgia associated with flipping through channels and stumbling upon something unexpected.

Actor: {We take 18 ounces of sizzling ground whale and soak it in rich creamery butter, then we top it off with dolphin bacon, duck prosciutto, and a fried duck egg. We call it the Good Morning Burger.}

Azazel: Oh, I gotta order that.

The scene shifts to me conversing with Marie on the phone. The mere thought of devouring that delectable dish makes my mouth water. I can only hope it looks as appetizing in reality.

Marie: {Oookay...? Anyway, Callie has been talking to me non-stop about going there with all of us. And you know what? After the New Squidbeak Splatoon saved Inkopolis--no...the world from Commander Tartar, I think we earned a well-deserved break.}

Azazel: Agreed on that one, Marie.

Cap'n Cuttlefish informed the New Squidbeak Splatoon about their experiences at the Deepsea Metro. His recounting of the wild events that he, Bordeaux, Hachi, and Goggles experienced reminded me of my own high school days when I was a member of the Phantom Lions and battling the reemerging Darklings.

Marie: {I'll go let Callie and the other agents know about this course of action. You let the others at Pearl's place know what's going on.}

Azazel: On it, Marie. Azazel out. *I hung up*

I finished my shower and packed some of my belongings before heading downstairs. I found everyone gathered in the living room. Marina was having her usual cereal, Pearl was busy coloring in her adult coloring book, Cap'n Cuttlefish was relaxing in the armchair, while Diana stood in the corner with an edgy vibe. Bordeaux was playing with figures from a box. Meanwhile, Calem and Juvia were seated on the couch, watching TV. It's a peaceful and pleasant atmosphere here.

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