Dark Squid's Bio

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Full name: Corvina "Dark Squid" Hadrianus

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Full name: Corvina "Dark Squid" Hadrianus

Kana: ブラックイカ

Titles: Great Queen of Evil

Species: Darkling (Perpetual)

Alias: Dark Lady, the Scourge of Highlyon, Lady Amelia Prestor, Demon Queen, Black Witch

Age: 2,000

Sex: Female

Date of Birth: June 6th, 12,023 A.D.

City of Birth: Whitegarde, Grovia

Height: 5'5"/167 cm

Weight: 160 lbs/72 kg

Eye Color: Grey, changes to red when angered

Hair Color: Black

Ink Color: Black


Dark Squid takes on the appearance of a beautiful, pale woman who's hairstyle is in the Hippie variant. Her voice may be smooth as honey, but she only speaks words of death. She wears a Milky Eminence Jacket that is painted black, Neo Octoling Boots, a Hero Headset Replica also painted in black, black fingerless gloves, and she wears a torn red cape. She also wears an eyepatch from an incident that cost both her eye and her life.

In her early years, she wear the full Hero Suit 1.0 that was tinted black and she sported her black fingerless gloves, along with a torn black cape.

To show the purity of her evil, she dawns a single black wing as a blatant symbol of her evil soul. Black as pitch, eternal as the night.


Dark Squid is someone who has delved deep into the sinister art of magic. This particular mage possesses an unfathomable ability to summon demons, making them a force to be reckoned with. Dark Squid is considered by many to be the embodiment of malevolence and represents the very essence of pure evil.

While Dark Squid may initially come across as refined and classy, it's important to note that she has a tendency to make twisted, dark, and even racist jokes in order to taunt her enemies. However, when her composure is shattered and she unleashes her rage, the consequences can be unpredictable. In these moments, Dark Squid's maniacal screams and verbal assaults can be heard from far away, as she hurls insults and threats with abandon.

As much as she is an intelligent leader, Dark Squid is extraordinarily sadistic and a completely heartless sociopath. She tortures her victims for interrogation, re-education for her rebellious minions, experimentation, or just for her sadistic pleasure. Dark Squid has an entire prison complex devoted to it. She also has a survival of the fittest mindset, which is especially true when some of her top men died to glorify her name. To Dark Squid, she doesn't feel remorse or grief for her fellow Darklings who gave their lives in her name. To Dark Squid, all Darklings serving under her are pawns.

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