Chapter 22: Champion vs. Challenger!

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Azazel: Hey guys! Ready for some more Into the Light Remake? Just make sure that when you're reading, you turn the lights on in the room! And don't stare too close at your screen!


In the final battle against Team Emperor, everyone in Team Blue split up to fight 1-on-1; with Specs fighting Emperor, Headphones taking on N-Pacer, Bobble Hat against Squidkid Jr. and Goggles approached Prinz.

Aloha: 1-on-1!?

Skull: Goggles went to Prinz!?

Army: And Specs is facing Emperor!?

Specs was shaking so badly in his shoes, that he might ink himself from such terror of fighting Emperor alone.

Rider: What kind of strategy is this!?

Aloha: Team Emperor is super strong 1-on-!!

Specs: Try this on for size! Spectacular Speed!!

Specs used his incredible speed to move around Emperor and to keep him occupied for Goggles' plan to work in full circle. Specs was laughing as result.

Specs: Can you keep up with this speed!? Goggles, now's your chance!!

Goggles: All right!

He jumped up into the air and he aimed his Splattershot at Prinz.

Goggles: Let's have fun!

Prinz: Fun!?

Goggles: Here we go!!

Prinz pulled out his Enperry Splat Dualies to defend himself from Goggles, while the others are duking it out against their opponents. With Specs keeping Emperor on his toes with his speed, Bobble Hat fighting close up against Squidkid Jr. and Headphones fighting a sniper duel against N-Pacer.

In an attempt to dodge Prinz's shots, Goggles resorted to dodging all over the place like how he did against Gloves in the last match.

Pearl: {Goggles, the player, is dodgin' all over the place, yo!}

Marina: {He can't be hit!}

Prinz: Amazing...!

Goggles: Miss me! *He was still dodging*

Prinz, being the quiet boy he is, smiled as he was having fun.

Prinz: Okay, try this...!

He flipped and rolled over towards Goggles in a attempt to hit him.

Goggles: Hiyah!!

Goggles used his dexterity to dodge out of the way in time.

Marina: {Dodged!!}

Prinz Once more!

Prinz was getting faster and more agile as he was getting more heated up as he has fun fighting Goggles.

Goggles: Eh?

Prinz: There!

He fired his Dualies relentlessly on Goggles.

Goggles: WAAAH!

Goggles hid behind cover in a attempt to avoid getting splatted by Prinz.

Prinz: I won't let you get away!

When he made it over to where Goggles was at and shot at him, all he saw was three Burst Bombs stacked on top of each other with the top one having a smiley face

Prinz: Burst Bombs!?

They blew up without warning and Prinz fortunately got out of the blast radius to avoid being splatted.

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