Chapter 36: A New Year for Us All!

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Azazel: Hey guys! Ready for some more Into the Light Remake? Just make sure that when you're reading, you turn the lights on in the room! And don't stare too close at your screen!


(Azazel's POV)

My eyes began to flutter open. The sun was brightening up the day, through the transparent clouds in the sky.

My voice was still groggy from waking up.

Azazel: Ugh... Wha' happened? Where am I? Why do I feel heavy?

I looked around, remembering what had happened the night before. I saw all five of the girls laying around me. Their sleeping bodies keeping me trapped on the couch. I just looked at each of them, then suddenly looked up, and spoke with a monotone voice.

Azazel: Oh. Now I remember.

I started trying to slither my way downward.

I didn't want to wake any of them up, I wanted to be able to have my food in a way that didn't require a straw. First, I tried to get Marie and Marina to rest their head on each other, as I slithered down.

Next, I tried to hold Callie, Pearl and Juvia's heads up lightly. Once I did that, I set them back down on the couch.

Marie: Mmm...

I turned around, hoping I hadn't woken Marie up.

Marie was still asleep, and she was smiling.

Marie: Azazel... Quiet down... You're going to wake up Callie.

Azazel: (What could she be dreaming about?)

I then grabbed myself some food after I had tip-toed into the kitchen, but sadly...the smell of food woke someone up.

Callie raised her head up, sniffing the air.

Callie: Ooh, do I smell food?

She had this cursed-looking face on.

She had this cursed-looking face on

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Azazel: Oh no...

Callie: Me want. Me want. I'll also take the food.

Callie said as she started rushing to the kitchen.

I quickly grabbed my plate of food, and held it above my head. Callie, meanwhile, was trying to jump up, and take it out of my hands.

Azazel: Dammit, Callie! Get your own food!

Callie: No way! Then I have to wait for it to be done, while there's a nice and ready meal right in front of me!

Azazel: Okay, fine. Take the food. I'll make my own.

I set the food down onto the table. I started making me another meal, while Callie started chowing down.

I finished making mine after a bit. Problem is, Callie was still picking bits off of my place, after she finished hers. I decided to just let it be.

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