Chapter 48: The End of An Arc - Final Part

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This chapter is a tribute to the memory of Akira Toriyama, the manga artist who not only left a profound impact on the industry but also on the landscape of art as a whole. 

Rest in peace, Toriyama-san, and thank you for everything.

"Move well, study well, play well, eat well, rest well - That is the turtle master way!"- Akira Toriyama

"Move well, study well, play well, eat well, rest well - That is the turtle master way!"- Akira Toriyama

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Dark Squid: The following is a non-profit, fan-based fictional story. Splatoon is owned by Nintendo, Hisashi Nogami, and Shintaro Sato. Please support the official release.


(Diana's POV)

After a grueling battle, we finally succeeded in defeating Diana in her monstrous form. We returned to the mansion and headed straight to the underground laboratory where Marina spent most of her time working on advanced engineering and scientific research. There, Marina and Erica got to work, running a series of complex diagnostics on Diana to determine the best course of action for curing her of the primordial ooze that had fused with her DNA. The atmosphere in the lab was tense as they carefully analyzed every inch of Diana's genetic makeup, looking for any clues that would lead them to a cure.

Marina: Have you gotten anything?

Erica: I've barely gotten any information from the primordial ooze. It's remarkable that it was able to fuse with Diana's DNA. I wonder what could've caused it.

Marina: Commander Tartar really went out of his way to make sure his influence would remain within Diana even after death as well as the other sanitized Octolings.

Diana slowly opened her eyes, feeling disoriented and confused. As she tried to sit up, a sharp pain shot through her head, causing her to wince and groan. She instinctively raised her hand to her forehead, feeling a tender bump on the side. Her vision was blurry at first, but as her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she realized she was lying on a bed in the lab. She could hear a faint buzzing sound in the distance. Diana took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing hearts, and slowly got up, trying to remember what had happened to her.

Diana: Oww... My head... What happened...?

Marina: You're okay, Diana! *She gleefully hugged Diana*

Diana: Get off me...! *She pushed Marina off*

Erica: Do you remember anything about what happened yesterday, Diana?

Diana: All I can remember was breaking out of my window and...

Diana stood in front of the mirror, examining her reflection closely. As she looked at herself, she was startled to see that her right eye was glowing with an eerie green light. Upon closer inspection, she noticed that the right side of her face had patches of teal-green skin, a vivid reminder of the time when she was under the control of Commander Tartar.

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