Chapter 7: Blue Team vs. Pink Team! Aloha, Party Man, S4!

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Azazel: Hey guys! Ready for some more Into the Light Remake? Just make sure that when you're reading, you turn the lights on in the room! And don't stare too close at your screen!


Last time on Into the Light Remake...

Goggles explained to Rider that he and his team lost in the second match, and he was not happy about it.

Headphones: Rider seems... REALLY angry.

Specs: H-he's gonna tear our squid legs apart!

Bobble Hat: We're dead meat!

After he let it slide for now, he said that he'll be watching the match involving Team Orange lead by Army, one of the S4.

Specs: The big four of the S+ Rankers--they're the S4!

Rider: They're even stronger than me.

Surprising to Rider, Army's team would be going up against Team Blue.

Specs & Headphones: IT HAPPENED!

During the match, they were helpless against Army's tactical thinking on Flounder Heights.

Army: I've developed a manual of foolproof tactics... The Inkling Army Manual!

But this didn't put Blue Team down as Goggles did something he didn't expect; eating curry during the match.

Army: CURRY!? M-my manual doesn't h-have any data on curry!! What's the meaning of this!?

This left Team Orange completely clueless to this unexpected turn of events, which gave Team Blue the edge in using unpredictable tactics.

Army: I...can' moves!

Thanks to this folly, Goggles and his team were able to secure a victory against one of the S4.

Goggles: Battles are fun because you DON'T know what'll happen!

Find out what happens next on this exciting chapter of Into the Light Remake!


Let's head over to Specs talking to all of you reading this for what happened in-between chapters.

Specs: Hey there! I'm Specs, the captain of Team Blue! I won't lie--going up against Army and his team was harrowing. Even so, we still managed to win against them! After that, we just went back to our usual daily routine; practicing hard and diligently! (Along with Goggles being an idiot every now and then...) Everything seemed to be perfectly normal... I wish I could say that, but when has life in Inkopolis EVER been normal? During our battle against Team Green, we were secretly being tested by Aloha, another member of the S4! Not only that, but he also challenged us to a battle at Mahi-Mahi Resort! Yeesh! I'd normally be panicking at this point, but if there's anything that I've learned over the time I spent with my team, it's that anything can be overcome! If we got past Rider and Army, who's to say we can't win against Aloha and his team? I'll give it everything I've got, you guys! Don't fall behind!


We cut over to Team Blue arriving at Mahi-Mahi Resort, with Goggles and Bobble Hat being excited for being here.

Goggles: A resort hotel!

Bobble Hat: Yeah!

Headphones: Aw, look!

Goggles & Bobble Hat: Woooh!

Headphones: They're playing around!

Specs: Humph! We're here for a battle, you know!

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