Dogg Pound's Findings: I'm Out of Ideas

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Hey guys, this is RaveDogg64 here. I'm gonna be for real with you all; I'm out of ideas. No, really. Between the burnout I had from writing and the lack of motivation to make a chapter, my think tank has run dry over the past 6 weeks.

I want to ask you guys something. As you guys know, Into the Light is solely done by me. I do get help from guys like X-FL0W and 1Shitpost1, but that is generally it. You know, the three of us took inspiration from DForrester's Splatoon x Male Reader story (one of the best Splatoon fanfics in Wattpad) and we started making our own stories off of that formula while keeping it unique.

Azazel: That's against the rules, isn't it?

Screw the rules, I have money!

As soon as X-FL0W came onto the scene with Love for One Color, I feel like a lot of people gravitated towards him as they did with Splatoon Harem by Tadayoshiscott, another story we built our foundation from. His style of writing was next level compared to what I've seen by other writers, almost like he was destined to join the big two at the time. I mean, to think a guy so young would have big dreams to make something amazing.

If you were to go back and read any of our first chapters, as good as they were back in their day, some are terrible by how much we've grown as producers.

And it was around mid to late 2020 that I decided to get into the game. I wanted to do all of this because what idiot would do the entire game series and then some?

Dark Squid: That's stupid. You're stupid! STOP BEING STUPID!

Back to what I wanted to say. I am calling out to anyone out there who has big ideas like me and form a team devoted to bringing Into the Light content. It really helps out to bring in others to work on these team projects, and I've always wanted to make Into the Light a team effort to make something epic.

I didn't want to do it at first because I knew that many of you guys have radically different writing styles and ideas. Since I knew it would involve a lot of debate and experimenting, like throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks and what doesn't.

When it comes to potentially killing off characters, I'm always arguing with myself that I don't wanna do it. There's always going to be that one character in any series that people would love and hold onto as their fan favorite. Like Red by X-FL0W, he's always gonna be that one guy that people would quote and latch onto. As that one saying goes on the internet, "I am hilarious and you will quote everything I say."

So when myself, X-FL0W, and 1Shitpost1 first worked together on making concepts for our scraped crossover two years ago, we've never worked together before. We did not know each other's styles, so we were throwing in idea after idea and even throwing in people on what would be good. Eventually, we got more comfortable with our styles and we got comfortable with working amongst each other.

And with my story going on, the cast is going to get bigger and bigger. Another reason why I wanted to form a team to help develop the series. It's hard to do all of these characters alone, and even when I want to further the character development on many in the ever expanding cast.

One such example is Dark Squid, another stereotypical villain that anyone would be like "Oh great, another one." She's one of those characters who is evil, and she loves every second of it.

Much of the inspiration around her was based on Alex Spider's Dark Squid, but my take on her is so much more different

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Much of the inspiration around her was based on Alex Spider's Dark Squid, but my take on her is so much more different. While his Dark Squid tries to study Spider's powers and uncover his unknown past, my Dark Squid is the leader of the Darklings; a large faction of traitorous Highlings and the archcultist within the Cult of the Thunder God, an extremist religion that worships Raijin and his inevitable return.

And that's why when I first introduced her, I made sure that every moment she had with Azazel was dark, with her being the most ruthless villain in my story as she plays the biggest role in Azazel's quest for revenge.

While the story as a whole is a fan made fanfiction of a beloved Nintendo series, the creative freedom I have does allow me to make narrative and character changes. When it came to diverging from the source material, the first and obvious one for many of you fans was turning Callie from this sweet and innocent popstar into a covert pervert. And while her personality from the source material is still there, the fact remains that Callie in my story is a pervert and she has no shame in it.

Some changes can be significantly less successful than others, but you know, it is what it is. Dark Squid bio will be coming out shortly.

And that is all I have to say to you guys. I say it's been quite a ride for what I was doing from two years ago all the way up to now. I think my work is getting more refined and there's still moments where I want to make the tone funny for a punchline. Let me know if you guys are interested in joining this team. If you don't want to join for any reason, I'm cool with it. Please share this with anyone who might be interested. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed me talking and bouncing back and forth. I'm RaveDogg, and I'll see you next time. Peace out.

June 19th, 2022.

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