Chapter 43: A Happy Reunion! Let's Get This Party Started! Part 1

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Azazel: Hey guys! Ready for some more Into the Light Remake? Just make sure that when you're reading, you turn the lights on in the room! And don't stare too close at your screen!


(Azazel's POV)

It was 2 AM inside the mansion, and I was dead asleep in my room. I was tossing and turning as a result of hearing some noise coming from the mansion, although it was dark.

I would eventually wake up to the noise, feeling grumpy as I rubbed my eyes.

Azazel: Ugh... What time is it?

I grabbed my phone to see what time it is, being bombarded by the brightness set on the phone. My eyes would focus and I saw the time as clearly as day.

Azazel: You have got to be shitting me...

I got up and I walked down to see where all of that noise was coming from. When I got downstairs, I saw that Marina, Pearl, Juvia, and Calem were going through the kitchen--with Calem and Juvia looking a bit tired.

Azazel: You guys mind explaining why you're doing this at 2 AM...?

Marina: Oh! Sorry, Azazel. We didn't mean to wake you. We're just doing something right now, and it's really important.

Pearl: Yeah, so calm down.

Calem let out a yawn as he was feeling tired from the business Pearl and Marina were doing. Juvia had walked up to me with a crabby look on her face.

Juvia: Believe me, I have every right to be mad at them for waking me up so suddenly at 1:20 AM to help them out with...whatever in God's name they got going on.

Azazel: Well, it's nice to know that I'm not alone in feeling irritated by all this noise.

Calem: I'm irritated, too...

I walked over to the pantry to grab myself a Twinkie to snack on before I inevitably head back to bed.

Azazel: Well, I'm gonna head back to bed... *I said, eating my Twinkie*

Juvia: I'll try to not make as much noise as those two... *She lets out a yawn*

Azazel: You promise...?

Juvia: I promise.

Calem: Same here...

Azazel: All right, goodnight...

I went back upstairs to try and go back to sleep. Unfortunately, I couldn't go back to sleep with the noise they were making. By "they", I mean Pearl and Marina. Juvia and Calem did keep their promise.



(Juvia's POV)

Back downstairs, Juvia and Calem were so exhausted while they were working on a party that Pearl and Marina were working on, not knowing what is going on.

Calem: I'm so tired...

Juvia: Yeah... What is this for, Mari...?

Marina: Let's just say we're having guests over to hang out, Juvi.

Pearl: Yeah, and it's gonna be lit, yo.

Calem: Who are these "guests"...? Why wake us up..?

Marina: Sorry for not telling you guys earlier. But we must get this done as quickly as possible before we head back to bed.

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