Chapter 41: Diana & Rider vs. Goggles, Hachi & Agent 8!

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Hey guys, it's your favorite weekly publisher: DerpDogg64. This introduction is a doozy, so I'm going to keep this short and straight to the point. During the times that I've stagnated to publish a chapter in my assigned days, I have been trying to take myself back to my necessary mental health journey for the past couple of years, and it was entirely worth it.

To be completely honest, I knew mental health was complicated, but I never thought that it would be this complicated, and I advise all of you to look into it. The journey for achieving self-compassion and self-acceptance is worth the world. Which is why I've decided to completely halt my publishing schedule to give my mind time to relax and to allow me more time to work on these chapters to make them more detailed and fleshed out.

Anywho, if I elaborate any further, this chapter is gonna get bogged down. Okay? All right, let's go.


Azazel: Hey guys! Ready for some more Into the Light Remake? Just make sure that when you're reading, you turn the lights on in the room! And don't stare too close at your screen!


(Agent 8's POV)

The intensity of this confrontation was ever so present within the elevator. Even as Team Blue, Cap'n Cuttlefish, and the Octoling were being hung from the UFO via ropes, they could not believe that both Diana and Rider have been partially sanitized by the Telephone and that they are going to kill them.

Specs: Rider's mind is disappearing!

Headphones: Wake up, Rider!

Goggles: Eh? Rider's sleeping!?

Headphones: Of course not!

Specs: Idiot!

Headphones: Put on some clothes!

Deep within his thought, Hachi began to dwell on the true reason why the Octarians they saw were disinfected and acted more like droids. He realized why they behave like they do--they have lost their sense of free will and are essentially slaves.

Hachi: The others were also being controlled...!

Goggles: No way... Rider... *He had a grim look on his face as he put his suit back on*

Hachi: Goggles...

Seeing as how grim the situation is, you would think that Goggles would act seriously to confront this evil in front of him. But you'd be wrong. He pulled out his jar of pickled plums and concluded how he could "heal" Rider.

Goggles: Maybe he'll go back to normal if he eats pickled plums? They're sour!

Headphones & Specs: AS IF!!

Hachi: Perhaps!

Specs: "Perhaps" my ass!

Bobble Hat: Idiots~

Within his partially corrupted mind, Rider had enough of the sentient lifeforms that surrounded him, and the same can be said for Diana as the latter turned around and looked at Agent 8 from one of the four tall pillars that are supporting the elevator.

Broken Telephone: {Destroy them.} *He ordered Diana and Rider from their headsets*

Rider: Exterminate.

Diana: Destroy.

Both Diana and Rider began their attack on the two Octolings and singular Inkling--with Rider jumping up to utilize a Splashdown, and Diana performing a quadruple flip off the pillar before divebombing to the elevator to also use a Splashdown.

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