Now what?

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Hey guys. It's been some time since I've uploaded anything in a while. So I'm gonna give you guys an update on what I've been doing as well as talk about some plans I got for Into the Light--gonna try to keep this as short as I can, who knows.

As always, I just wanna say thank you so much for all the support you guys have been giving me, it really means a lot to me. You guys are awesome, you should feel awesome. If you guys wanna continue supporting Into the Light and everything that I do, be sure to slap that vote button. If this gets to 100 votes, I will fly myself to Manila and shave X-FL0W's hair off.

Nah, I'm just kidding. ...Or am I?

So the first thing I wanna talk about is what's been going on with myself and the Notorious Scoundrels. As you guys might know, we've hit a rough spot. So I had to take some time off Wattpad to try and reconcile with them. Well boys, the Notorious Scoundrels are back.

Second thing I wanna talk to you guys about is that it is unfortunate that $hÏTþõśţ deleted his Wattpad account and that Darkinkling369 is no longer writing stories anymore. If you guys wanna show your support to them, leave a comment. They will be missed.

The third thing I got on my mind is that I've noticed that Ascend from Darkness has a lot less views than what I expected a prequel of Into the Light would receive. If you guys can do me a favor, go check out Ascend from Darkness. I got so much plans for it, and it'll reveal more about what Azazel did during his years in exile in Inkadia before he became Agent 4.

I know many of you guys are probably still in school. When you guys get a little older while you're still in school--whatever you do in life, you wanna succeed at it. I know I'm gonna sound like a boomer for saying this, but hear me out. If you're in a job, you wanna get a promotion. If you're in school, you wanna raise that B up to an A. Or if you have an F, you wanna get it to a C. No matter what we are doing, we always want to do better.

With that in mind; as a writer and content creator, the main idea of what we do is not only to grow a fanbase but to also provide something for everyone to create memories. That's why I wanna ask you guys something; what chapter do you guys want me to make? Leave a comment with your suggestions along with ideas and I will look into them. I want to grow my story into something that can be as memorable and as successful as the likes of say, DForrester and Tadayoshiscott; I have a lot of respect for them and their works.

And here's one more reason why I write stories. I'm gonna quote a Minecraft live streamer, you may have heard of him, he is Bacon_Donut. This is what he said in a stream once--the reason why we try to entertain is that we know you guys have a life. We know that you guys go to school, your significant other might've broken up with you, and you may fail a test. That is what my goal is as a content creator; is to take away those negative thoughts while you're reading Into the Light. I wanna take away your drama, and your issues while you're reading my works. In short, I want to make you guys happy.

The fourth thing I wanna talk to you guys is that as you all know, I am currently working on the next chapters for Into the Light as well as drawing up concept ideas for how they'll play out. I plan on releasing a new chapter for Into the Light and Ascend from Darkness on November 2nd. On top of that, I got something special also coming out on that day, so stayed tuned.

But anyways, that's gonna be it for today. If you guys like what I had to talk about, be sure to show me some love; hit that vote button, follow me to receive news on Into the Light. I appreciate all of the support you guys are giving me, and I want you all to know that. So, continue with the support, it really means a lot. As always, I'm RaveDogg, and I'll see you in the next chapter. Peace out.

October 24, 2022.

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