Chapter 34: Dwelling on my Thoughts

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Azazel: Hey guys! Ready for some more Into the Light Remake? Just make sure that when you're reading, you turn the lights on in the room! And don't stare too close at your screen!


(Callie's POV)

Callie: Hey, Marie!

Marie comes rushing out of the Cuttlefish Cabin, holding her umbrella like she's going to hurt someone with.

Marie: What!? What is is? Did Octavio get out!?

Callie: Nah, he's still over there.

Callie points towards the snow globe.

DJ Octavio: Yo.

Marie: Phew.

Callie: Fresh Start is selling like CRAZY!

Marie: That's great news. We can't let our adoring fans starve. So long as someone doesn't get hypnotized.

Callie: Hey!

Marie: I'm kidding, but seriously stay away from strange glasses.

Callie: Hmph!

Callie crosses her arms and looks the other way. Her eyes then lower to see a curious book next to her.

[Shoutout to my boy X-FLOWNATION for making this image for the Agent 4 Factopedia]

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[Shoutout to my boy X-FLOWNATION for making this image for the Agent 4 Factopedia]

Callie: Oh! Marie, I've been meaning to ask you, what's this book?

Marie: Oh, that? That's the Agent 4 Factopedia. You need any information on him, it's in there.

Callie has a sly grin on her face, given that she is a pervert.

Callie: Hmm, ANY information?

Marie lightly taps Callie on the head with her umbrella.

Marie: Bad, Callie.

Callie: Ow!

Marie: Oh come on. I didn't even hit you that hard!

Callie picks up the book.

Callie: Times super-jumped. Time spend submerged in the ink. Salmon Run down-rate. Hmm? What's this?

Marie: Oh, I kept a log for everyday Agent 4 was here working. Noting how he was doing on these missions, or how he was acting.

Callie: So these are your diary entries.

Marie: No! That is NOT what I said.

Callie: But it's what you meant. It's okay, I am Callie, I speak for the Maries.

Marie: Ha. Ha. Ha.

Callie: "...Agent 4 is very caring. I can tell by the concern he has on his face. I forgive him for forgetting the job yesterday, but it's cute watching profusely try to apologize, so I'm going to let this go on a little longer..."

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