Chapter 24: An Unexpected Hangout! Chilling With Off the Hook!

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Azazel: Hey guys! Ready for some more Into the Light Remake? Just make sure that when you're reading, you turn the lights on in the room! And don't stare too close at your screen!


(Azazel's POV)

I was sleeping on to bed peacefully, as I was dreaming of something. But instead of a good dream...I was having a terrifying nightmare.

It was my home, Highlyon, on fire as I watched my father lying dead on the ground. Blood was splashed throughout the bazaar, pillaging took place, bodies littered the streets, and many building were set ablaze. The way that the Octarians had slaughtered them in the Highlyoni Massacre is horrible. The women of the kingdom have been raped and killed, children got tortured and molested, toddlers have been impaled by their spears and men being mutilated such as disembowelment and decapitation.

Azazel: Father... Father...

The terrified women and children who survived in darkened corners as they seek a way out of this nightmare. While many had made it to safety, many others paid the ultimate price.

Amidst the fire, a woman in dark clothing emerged from the flames as she approached me. This is the Darkling leader; Dark Squid. The Darklings are known as betrayers to the Highlings, as they have pledged their allegiance to Raijin 2,000 years ago; the same god that enslaved my people and made us do horrible things.

 The Darklings are known as betrayers to the Highlings, as they have pledged their allegiance to Raijin 2,000 years ago; the same god that enslaved my people and made us do horrible things

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[Disclaimer: Dark Squid belongs to Alex Spider [スパイダー]. This is my take on the character.]

She looked at me as she gives me one of the creepiest smiles I have ever seen, filling my hearts with dread.

Dark Squid: You're too weak to save anyone...

She slowly approached me, to which I was backing away in fear as I was breathing heavily. Dark Squid placed her hand on my shoulder and smiled at me in an evil way.

Dark Squid: Not even yourself.

I screamed as I woke up from this nightmare, and I found myself on a comfortable bed that isn't mine.

Azazel: Thank God it was just a dream...

I got up and I saw just how large this bedroom is. There was a door that led to the bathroom, along with having a walk-in closet. On the east side of the room, was the walls that was nothing but windows and had no curtains whatsoever.

Azazel: Is this for real...or am I still dreaming?

While I thought to myself over if this was real or not, I heard footsteps from outside the bedroom door, getting closer.

Azazel: (Shit! Gotta hide!)

I decided revert to my squid form and hid myself under the bed. As the figure walked into the room, I heard a gasp that sounded feminine, so I knew that the figure was a girl.

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