Chapter 11: Into the Octo Valley! Inkling vs. Octarian!

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Azazel: Hey guys! Ready for some more Into the Light Remake? Just make sure that when you're reading, you turn the lights on in the room! And don't stare too close at your screen!


Last time on Into the Light Remake...

Goggles and friends approached Skull and Team Purple, challenging them to a rematch on Moray Towers.

Goggles: Skull! What do you say to another battle?

Skull: ...Fine.

Callie: {Will tonight be their night?}

Aviators: It's rare of you to accept a rematch, Skull.

Skull: I thought it'd help me kill some time...

And with the knowledge they gained from Rider's training, there were already aware of the dangers that would come from this battle. Yet they were outsmarted from time to time.

Marie: {Skull struck everyone down...}

Callie: {And didn't move an inch!}

They faced other challenges along the way in the Turf War, like with Skull's Kraken form.

Rider: RUN!

Goggles: What?


Skull: I knew it... You're all weaklings.

Still, they pushed hard and used rather unorthodox methods to not only keep up, but get ahead of Skull and Team Purple.

Skull: this feeling...? They're far weaker then me, but...

Goggles: SKULL!!

The fight Between Goggles and Skull was quite intense for the both of them to say the least.

Callie: {Goggles is advancing on Skull like a fighter jet! Skull is having trouble taking aim!}

Inevitably, Team Blue emerged as the victors.

Goggles: That was fun, wasn't it? It was bugging the crap out of me last time because you didn't see to enjoy yourself.

Skull: Yeah... It was fun! You can enjoy a battle no matter who you're up against.

This caused the other members of the S4 and Rider to come down to where Skull and Goggles are, demanding to have a battle with him.

Rider: Goggles, fight me first.

Skull: BEAT IT.

Aloha: Oh, come on, I'M first!

Goggles: We could have a four-way Turf War!

Skull/Rider: THAT'S NOT A THING!!

They went on to have a curry party, not knowing what will come for them later on.

Ophelia: Takowasa-sama, I am glad to report that we have successfully stolen the Great Zapfish.

Find out what happens next on this exciting chapter of Into the Light Remake!


We go over to Diana chilling in Inkopolis Plaza, doing her own thing until the TV came up with the news channel.

Callie: Hold on to your tentacles...

Marie: It's Inkopolis News time!

Callie: News flash! News flash!

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