Chapter 14: Small Town Inklings in the Big City! The Square King Cup Begins!

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Azazel: Hey guys! Ready for some more Into the Light Remake? Just make sure that when you're reading, you turn the lights on in the room! And don't stare too close at your screen!


Last time on Into the Light Remake...

Ever the excited squid he was, Goggles was ready to face off against Team Green.

Goggles: Hurray! I get to play Turf War again!

When unexpected moments happened, like Goggles losing his Splattershot and this.

Beanie: He got his foot stuck in half-dried concrete, so he can't come.

Backwards: NANI!!?


He was offered up a weapon by Gloves, an Inkling who's gear and style they had never seen before.

Gloves: I'm Gloves! I'll lend you my shooter. And if you need a player, I can join.

Both teams went out to Blackbelly Skatepark to hold their Turf War as they play with the new face.

Gloves: Not bad, but you won't get me.

He showed off his skills with the Splat Dualies like he's Keanu Reeves in the Matrix.

Gloves: I said you won't get me, didn't I?

And he showed off a weapon never before seen by the Inklings of Inkopolis Plaza; the Tenta Missiles.

Gloves: Well, I've got this covered too. Special Weapon; Tenta Missiles!!

He was impressive and cool.

Gloves: I came to Inkopolis Plaza to see its famous Blue Team in action. But there's nothing fresh about you guys. New gear. New weapons. New specials. You have to follow the latest trends...if you wanna be the coolest.

When his hair isn't messed up that is.


Even after the battle was over, Team Blue was informed of the new things to expect in Inkopolis Square.

Goggles: More new stuff means...the battles will be even more fun!

Gloves: (They don't even care about new trends and fresh styles. They just love the joy of battles...)

We also got to see some funny shenanigans with Team Blue, Rider and the S4.

Goggles: I'm so full...

Mask: This was not a good idea!

Specs: We've all eaten way too much!!

Find out what happens next on this exciting chapter of Into the Light Remake!


Team Blue got off the bus that took them to their destination; Inkopolis Square. You guys may be wondering on Inkopolis Plaza being relevant anymore, right? Well, it's essentially a ghost town at this point. All the Inklings had moved to Inkopolis Square to be the freshest squid on the block, and looking fresh while doing it.

They all looked around with smiled on their faces as they were surprised to see all of this.

Specs: We're here!

Headphones: Inkopolis Square!!

Bobble Hat: Wow! It's full of trendy stuff!

Headphones: I can't wait for our first practice at Inkopolis Square!

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