Chapter 15: The Main Competition Has Begun! The Square King Cup Is Intensifying!

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Azazel: Hey guys! Ready for some more Into the Light Remake? Just make sure that when you're reading, you turn the lights on in the room! And don't stare too close at your screen!


Last time on Into the Light Remake...

Team Blue had gotten their new gear and weapons as they recently arrived at Inkopolis Square, and Goggles had totally wrecked Crusty Sean's food truck.

Crusty Sean: So what are you going to do about my truck?

Desperate to get the money he needed to repair Crusty Sean's food truck, Gloves suggested that they would enter the Square King Cup tournament to make the money needed.

Gloves: It's a large yearly tournament. The winner is crowned the BEST team in Inkopolis Square. I'm already qualified in another preliminary tournament block. And as an added prize, you can open your own cool new shop in Inkopolis Square!

With Headphones signing them up for the preliminary rounds, they were ready to take on the challenge to pay Crusty Sean for the damages.

Rochelle: {The next battle will be Team Blue from Inkopolis Plaza against Team Hockey from Inkopolis Square!!}

Headphones: And we just bought our new weapons! We haven't even perfected them yet.

Bobble Hat: We're in trouble!!

Goggles: Don't worry, don't worry! Let's make sure we have fun first and foremost!

Specs: Right!

Bobble Hat: I can't wait!!

Headphones: I wonder what the stage will be like!

Gloves: You can try out a bunch of new weapons too.

Goggles: Yeah!

Even as they started their match on the Reef, they realized how unprepared they were as they hadn't tested out their weapons and gear's abilities.

Goggles: It's our first time here. I don't know which route to take!!

Bobble Hat: We're in trouble!

Headphones: We haven't even talked out a plan!

As unprepared as they were, they found themselves in deep trouble as Team Hockey used their formation dubbed 4DS to get them from all directions, making it more difficult for them.

Hockey: It's the 4 of us are dead shots!! This is the end of the line for you!!

Goggles tried to escape from the 4DS tactic, but found himself stuck. His solution: he pulled off a Super Jump and struck Hockey right in his beanbag.

Headphones: That had to hurt...

Hockey: The only Inklings I've heard of are the S4...!

Gloves: Apparently, they defeated the S4.


And as ridiculous as Team Blue can be, they managed to wipe the floor with Team Hockey and win the match. After that, they made their way to the main round after beating the other teams in the preliminary rounds.

Gloves: You have to defeat him to get the Square King Cup.

Goggles: Sounds like fun!!

Gloves: Awesome! Hope to see you guys in the next round then!

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