Chapter 9: Team Blue Inside Rider's Boot Camp! Once-in-a-lifetime Training!

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Azazel: Hey guys! Ready for some more Into the Light Remake? Just make sure that when you're reading, you turn the lights on in the room! And don't stare too close at your screen!


Last time on Into the Light Remake...

After their fight with Aloha, they had a good chat with Rider.

Rider: I heard that you beat the S4's Aloha too...

Though what surprised Rider is that the text message for their next battle they got wasn't signed.

Rider: You don't know?

Specs: It was a very polite text message, but it didn't have a name.

Yet when they got to Walleye Warehouse, the location of their next Turf War, they were confronted by S4 member Mask.

Mask: I can't believe you guys actually fell for that text message.

Rider: I thought it might be a trap...

Mask: I absolutely hate Inklings who enjoy life...

As Team Blue went on to take on Team Cyan, they couldn't compete with their hidden Sub Weapons all over the place.

Mask: This is our Sub Weapon Armageddon!

He thought that he would be able to crush their positivity, but it didn't work on Bobble Hat who really enjoys having fun.

Mask: How can you keep smiling!?

Bobble Hat: Even if I'm being attacked, I still get to hang out with the other members of Team Blue. It's fun!

Mask: (I enjoy being with my teammates too...)

Team Cyan left themselves wide open on purpose, which left Team Blue to their victory against Mask.

Rider: They've been fighting so many S+ rankers. It's only natural that they'd improve.

Mask: We lost to a team that enjoys life...

Goggles: But you look like you're having fun! You're enjoying life too!


After the fight, Mask warned them of the last member of the S4 known as Skull.

Mask: Skull is in a whole other league than the rest of us S4...

In the fight against Skull and Team Purple, Team Blue met a crushing defeat.

Marie: {S4 member overwhelming!}

Goggles: But let's have a Turf War again soon!

Skull: I have no time for weaklings.

After that, Rider approached them and enlisted them into his boot camp.

Rider: I'll train you guys.

Find out what happens next on this exciting chapter of Into the Light Remake!


Headphones is here at Inkopolis Plaza to tell you guys what happened in-between chapters.

Headphones: Hey there! I'm Headphones. The battle against Mask went pretty well. I'll admit there were some missteps, but it was overall really good! ...And then Skull happened. It was the most devastating defeat I've ever felt in my entire life--moreso than our second round in the CoroCoro Cup. Huh. Speaking of CoroCoro, I heard the cup ended not too long ago. I wonder who the winners were... Anyway, we're just waiting outside the Battle Tower. Rider said something about training and told us to meet him here, but... We've been standing here all day! What the hell is taking him so long?

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