Warning if you have not read part one, two, 3, 4 and five of this story stop you might want to. Because it's not gonna make sense if you don't.
I walked back into the bedroom with Abby and sat down with her on the bed. Hey there's my girls Jake said chuckling. Yeah someone's all fresh and clean and ready for bed I said kissing Abbys cheek. Oh are we now Jake said kissing her cheeks making her giggle.When he stopped she settled down and wanted to nurse so I got myself ready and nurses her and her little body relaxed into me. Relaxed little baby Jake said kissing her toes.
Her knee looks so much better I said. Yeah almost completely healed should we put more cream on it Jake asked. Call Nathan ask him I said and he did. Hey guys Nathan said. Hey we both said.
What's up he said. Well we just wanna know if we should put more of the cream on Abbys knee I said and Jake showed him. Looks good I say do it tonight and tomorrow morning if it looks just as good then you can leave if off and just keep and eye on those little fingers so they don't scratch it he said.
Ok got it i said. Ok anything else you need he asked. Uh no i think we're good I said. Ok well in that case goodnight he said. Night we both said. And he hung up. Abby was still nursing away kicking her little feet at daddy.
Hey don't kick daddy cheeky Jake said chuckling kissing her feet and she giggled nursing. She nurses for 40 minutes and she was all full and cuddly so I fixed myself and burped her and let her cuddle into my chest. Sleepy baby Jake said chuckling.
She's fed and ready to sleep ain't that right miss I said kiss her cheek and she was smooshed against my chest. Want your paci Jake asked her putting it near her mouth and she took it and started sucking on it right away.
She was dozing off looking oh so cute while she was at it. Her little fingers had my shirt in her little hand and her other had dadas fingers. She loves dada's fingers I said chuckling quietly not to disturb her.
Yeah I love it her little baby hands wrapped around my fingers I will never say no to holding her hand he said smiling stroking her hand ever so gently. I know she really had no accidents today I said. Yeah that was very impressive she's definitely ready for potty training he said chuckling.
Yeah but let's go slow not force anything if she's ready she's gonna keep asking for underwear to have help in the bathroom I said smiling. Yeah but she's doing so good I'm impressed Jake said. Me too I said stroking her cheek and she was now passed out on top of me.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.