It's been hours and it's not raining anymore why isn't the power back on i said. Maybe someone hit a light pole Shannon said. Or lightning hit it maya said. Probably that does seem to happen mom said.What do you normally do a night when this happens dad said. It depends what time of year it is if it's winter we make sure the apartment is warm any way we can have on jumpers and blankets if it's so bad we fine somewhere to stay Sarah said.
We're never really all here in the summer so we never have had this really happen besides a couple time Jake said. We normally go to anyone who has power a friend co worker Paris said.
Would we be able to go stay the night at Lily's if we need mom asked. Depends if they have power honestly maya said. I'll give them a call Shannon said pulling out her phone and walked away.
What time is it anyway Kelly said. It is now almost 4:30 dad said. Mama Abby said lifting her arms up. Come here baby girl maya said picking her and sat her in her hip. Shannon came back over.
Well Sarah said. Lily said if the powers not back on by the time we normally eat dinner she said come over and they'll figure something out for us Shannon said. Ok at least we have a plan dad said.
Also I called Kingston he's gonna come by see if it's something to do with the buildings power Shannon said. Ok Paris said. Abby was drinking her juice and said hot.
It's hot let's get some ice in it then Jake said and she gave it to her dada and he went and grabbed some ice and put it in her little sipping cup.
He came back and gave it back to her. All better maya said. All better mama she said. What do we say Jake said. Thank you dada Abby said and gave him a kiss. Your welcome my princess he said kissing her cheek making her giggle.
So polite Hannah said chuckling. Like she should be doesn't cost anyone to have some manners maya said chuckling. She's right mom said chuckling. Sarah stole Maya's water and had a drink. Excuse you woman maya said chuckling taking it off her.
Hey I'm thirsty Sarah said chuckling. Get your own maya said chuckling. But it's so far she said. You lazy ass I'll get it Joey said chuckling and got up grabbed a water came back and threw it at her. Ow and thank you Sarah said chuckling. Was that so hard Shannon said chuckling. Yep Sarah said chuckling.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.