We sat there talking for a bit and the crowd started settling down. Abby woke up and was being cute in her stroller with her lamb and I had taken her paci off her because she was awake and no longer needed it.She had no memory of being woken up because she was in such a sleepy state when it happened anyway but she was absolutely ok. She was babbling to her self happy in her own little world. Who is she talking two yogi said. Her lamb she does that Jake said.
Why Zay said she's just a baby that's what baby's do they use there imagination that's how they learn conversation and develop language skills I said. What does that mean yogi said.
All of us played like this when we were little even if we don't remember it now because we did this we learned how to talk and hold a conversation which is an important life skill even if you can't physically talk you find a way to communicate so your part of conversation Paris said.
You can do that without talking you can sign with sign language or type it out or write it or press a picture on and iPad and have that get what you want to communicate across being able to do at least something like that is a human need one way or another we get our point across Sarah said.
And this is where it starts with play and using your imagination everyone is capable of doing that in there own way I said.
It's true everyone has done it even if we don't realise it when you do art that is using your imagination when you write a story you use your imagination if you write a song or a movie or tv show you use your imagination because your thinking it may not be the same as when you were a toddler but your still using it in life thats why it's a life skill Shannon said.
That's why it's important to encourage little brains to play like this because they learn how to unlock that part of there brain Topanga said coming over and sitting down. Mama drink please Abby said.
Of course baby here I said giving her some of my water and she drank through the straw till she was done. She eventually pushed my hand away to tell me she was finished and there wasn't much left so I drank it. She was a thirsty girl Riley said chuckling. No kidding I said chuckling.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.