Once we were all out in the hallway dad said now who. Shannon and Demi Paris said. We walked to there door and Sarah made sure it was appropriate before she let us in.Once she was sure she let us in and we walked in on them passed out in bed snoring there heads off. As usual maya said chuckling. Not surprising at all Kelli said chuckling.
Abby and Auggie were running around the room both full of energy and mom said I got and idea. She picked Auggie up and let him jump in the bed to wake them up and Abby wanted in on it so maya helped her and she was jumping on Demi.
What the heck they both mumbled when the woke up. Time to wake up guys Sarah said. Why do we have kids on us Demi said. It was mom's idea I said chuckling.
I figured they could wake you up gently mom said chuckling. Not mad about it Shannon said chuckling when Abby jumped on her. Someone's feeling better I see she said churns tickling her. Yeah she's full of energy Jake said chuckling.
She's still snotty those so what our maya said chuckling. You getting up mom said chuckling grabbing Auggie off the bed. Yeah they said sitting up and maya helped Abby off the bed.
The stretch for a minute then got up and out of bed and we started walking out of the room. When we all got out all we had to do now was get Farkle and smackle up. We walked to there door and Sarah poked her head in to see if it was appropriate. Once she was sure she let us in.
We walked in and they were asleep both hanging off either side of the bed. How does that even happen Lucas said chuckling. Who know jack said chuckling. Zay somehow found an air horn and blew it.
Where did you even get that maya said. Found it in a cupboard he said. In that case give it that's our dad's Shannon said and took it off him to make him stop blowing it. She went and put it back and Farkle mumbled what the heck man and threw a pillow at Zay.
Haha now that you deserve Joey said chuckling. Yep i said chuckling. Farkle fell down on the floor on purpose to untangle himself and so did smackle.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.