When we dished it all up we called everyone else in the room and they sat down at the table to eat and we gave it to them. We all sat and ate and it was really good and filling.This is good Lucas said. Duh it's our dad's recipe Shannon said. Why does that matter Zay said. Our dad is a chef he is very particular about how you make it everything must be done by the book Sarah said. Ok then Lucas said.
It had red onions, red pepper, yellow peppers, green peppers, garlic, tomatoes purée, plum tomatoes, vegan stock, smoked paprika, butter beans, thyme, lemon zest, spinach, olive oil and salt and pepper to taste.
It was really good because we all ate it pretty fast and then of course we also had garlic bread. When we were done we cleaned up our dishes putting them in the dishwasher. Jake wiped Abbys hands and her face so she was nice and clean.
She wanted up when he was done so he picked her up and sat her on his hip. She cuddled into him ready for bed. Demi yawned and Kelli said chuckling did you have to and yawned while she said it.
Sorry Demi said chuckling. Ok I think it's time for bed mom said chuckling. Yeah we all said and started walking to our rooms saying goodnight to each other. Me and Joey walked into our room and I shut the door behind us and locked it.
She cuddled herself into me from behind. Why you so cuddly I said chuckling turning around in her arms. Because my woman is so incredibly hot she said smiling down at me. Oh really I said chuckling. Uh huh she said chuckling and kissed me on the lips.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and I put mine around her waist while we kissed for a few minutes. We stood there kissing for a little bit then eventually broke apart.
We should probably take a shower before someone comes in she said chuckling. Yeah we probably should I said chuckling and pulling her to the bathroom.
We walked in and closed the door behind us then got undressed and jumped into the shower. We washed our bodies and made sure we were nice and clean and didn't smell like B.O.
when we were sure we hoped our and dried off and started getting dressed. We both just put on boxers and a sports bra.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.