We played the came and somehow mom won. What how I said chuckling. I don't even know she said chuckling. Nice Sarah said chuckling. No fair Darby slowed me down Zay said. Oh so that's your excuse for coming last Lucas said.Even I bate you and you started this Darby said chuckling. He just sucks Paris said chuckling. Right let's play again dad said and we went onto the next one.
We played and Zay was in my way so I threw a banana at him and he spun out. Hey who threw that he said. Wasn't me we all said and sped past him.
We were all hyper focused on it and we were all fighting each other to win it. No Kelli said when someone used a blooper. Who did that I said. In your face suckers Hannah said chuckling.
Hey Darby said chuckling. When we could all see again we went as fast as we could to catch up. I passed her and said bye bye chuckling. What the hell she said chuckling. And now Riley is winning mom said chuckling.
I zoomed past the finish line and Lucas Said that was all luck. Probably but I still bate you I said chuckling. We played two more rounds and then we got sick of it so we stopped and decided to do something Else.
We decided to watch some YouTube so Sarah figured out how to put it up on the screen. And clicked on a random Katy Perry music video. We watched and it went to the next video and ironically enough it was one of Maya's. Oh my gosh Paris said chuckling.
Baby maya I said chuckling. I told y'all she went through a Hannah faze Sarah said come. She liked Hannah Montana Kelly said. Liked she loved it she wanted to be just like her that's what motivated her as a kid to do what she does now Kelli said.
Yeah I mean now we are pretty close with Miley herself thanks to Demi but maya was in aww of her for the longest time and would literally fight anyone who changed the channel when it was on tv Sarah said chuckling.
Yeah remember when your dad Sat on the remote when it was on and she kept whining switch it back until he did and made him rewind it back to where it was Paris said chuckling. Yes that happened so many time Sarah said chuckling.
And wasn't it you who did that with wizards of Waverley place Jack said chuckling. Yeah we had our favourites that's for sure Sarah said chuckling.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanficAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.