Chapter 1'193

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Moving on look at how tiny miss Abby was mom said. Yeah she was absolutely gorgeous when she was born Kelli said. Got that right look at that little face I said. Hard to believe she was once that little Peyton said chuckling.

Right where did the time go jack said. Who knows I still remember when Riley was that tiny and Auggie dad said. They grow up way to fast that's for sure mom said smiling at me and then stroking Auggies cheeks because he was now in her lap wanting some cuddles for a change.

We looked at some more pictures and came across one of maya with red hair. When did she have red hair yogi said. When she was filming a movie called horns it's a horror movie filmed it when she was about 14 she's only in it for a little bit but still in it Sarah said. She had red hair for a couple months and then it slowly washed out Paris said. Washed out mom said.

It was semi permeant wash out dye she just didn't wash her hair every other day of filming like she would now just a couple times and then Cayla would touch it up any where she needed it over time just so she didn't look crazy or have stinky hair or itchy but it's worth it at that age that tends to be what you want to do Sarah said. What did your parents think about it Darby said.

They normally would have said hell no to the idea of hair dye because they believe until your at least 16 you shouldn't dye your hair unless it's wash out and even then we only ever did the ends of our hair during summer nobody had fully dyed there hair yet so it took a minute to convince them Sarah said. What did you do I said.

You mean what did maya do she begged and told them she wanted the job and they caved knowing how important it was to her saying she was in charge of looking after her hair and using the products to keep it healthy for as long as she was gonna have red hair and she did that she still does now it taught her to look after her hair which with her using heat on her hair when she's working is a good thing because not so much heat damage Sarah said. Now that's true and I feel like we all learned from her two paris said. Yeah we did Kelli said.

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