Now who dad said. Shannon and Demi let's hope nobody else is sick Sarah said. We walked to there door and Sarah poked her head in to make sure it was safe. Once she was sure she let us in.We walked in and they were still sleeping. Sarah walked over and shook Shannon awake and she groaned after a few minutes what the heck. Time to get up Sarah said. No she mumbled. Sarah went to wake Demi and Shannon said I wouldn't do that.
Why I said. She's sick she was sick a couple times last night so was I Shannon said. Ok that makes 4 down with what we think is the stomach flu mom said. Who else has it she said. Maya she puked 3 more times and Abby has puked once Sarah said.
How many times were you sick dad said. I was twice she was once about an hour ago Shannon said. Uh oh we're all gonna get this Kelli said. Yep definitely sounds that way Joey said. You taken anything mom said.
Tylenol we both had a bit of a fever earlier I don't know about now she said. Sarah felt her forehead. You are a little warm she said. Paris felt Demi and said same over here. How long ago was it dad said. Uh probably 7:30 8:00 Shannon said.
Ok you don't need any more yet go back to sleep we will check on you later mom said. Ok she said and got comfy to fall asleep again and we left the room. Sarah shut the door behind us. Well this doesn't look promising Jack said. Got that right I said.
We moved onto Smackle and Farkle's room. Let's hope nobody else is sick mom said. Sarah poked her head in to make sure it was safe. Once she was sure she let us in and we walked in. It was dark so Sarah turned on the lamp so we could see. Only smackle was in the bed so we were confused.
Uh ok Lucas said chuckling. Paris woke smackle and she groaned after a minute and opened her eyes. Are you ok mom asked her and she shook her head no. You throwing up Kelli said. She shook her head yes. Where's Farkle I said and she pointed at the direction of the bathroom.
I walked over and opened the door and he was asleep by the toilet. Is he in there dad said. Yeah pretty sure he's sick two he's asleep next to the toilet I said. Ok let's get him up jack said and him and Tyler went in and woke him up and helped him up and brought him to bed which he just fell on.
Come on man at lest make and effort Lucas said helping him out. Mom took there temperatures and they both had a fever of 101° you taken anything she asked. Smackle shook her head no. Sarah grabbed them both Tylenol and a water bottle and we got them to take it. When it was gone we let them lay back down and told them to sleep. Mom kicked us out of the room and shut the door behind us.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.