What do we do now Lucas said. What's the weather like outside Paris said. Uh 103° jack said. If we go outside we melt Kelli said chuckling. I vote let's stay inside till later maya said.Agreed we all said chuckling. Dada Abby said. Yes Abby Jake said. Dada she said again. Yes Abby Jake said chuckling. Dada she said giggling. Yes Abby Jake said putting his face close to hers and put there foreheads together.
Hi she said giggling. That's it come here you he said chuckling and grabbed her And tickled her belly making her giggle more and squeal. He stopped and let her breath and she said again so he did it again.
I think someone's hyper already Shannon said chuckling. I'd say so maya said chuckling. Jake kept tickling her and stopping to let her breath till she was over it and done. He sat her in his lap and she just cuddled into him.
So she does cuddled with daddy Hannah said chuckling. It's a rare occurrence but it does happen maya said chuckling. She's a mommy's girl Sarah said chuckling. Geez I hadn't noticed mom said chuckling sarcastically.
What's the difference yogi said. It means she adores her mother like she looks up to her Demi said. Yeah she's always wanting to match with me like yesterday when I was in a dress she requested to wear one two and she requested the same braids I had yesterday maya said chuckling.
We haven't even got this one dress today Jake said chuckling kissing her cheek and she giggled and kissed his cheek back. Aww Darby said. You guys are amazing parents I see that more and more every time we hang out Hannah said.
Yeah they are they know exactly why they are doing they don't over think it they just get on with it dad said. That's how parenting is you can't overthink the little things the big things however you can over think about because there's important mom said.
Like what yogi said. Like medical stuff what schools she should go to as she grows up when we should allow her to date when it's appropriate for her to have a phone when she should have social media maya said.
You guys already have an idea about that stuff Kelly asked. Some of it yes we have agreed no phone till at least double digits then we can talk about it no dating till at least 15 even then we must meet the person Jake said.
So you would let her have a phone when she's ten Lucas said. Not a iPhone just a simple call and text only phone till we see she's responsible enough to handle it maya said. What about social media Zay said.
That will be monitored until 16 or 18 depending on what she posts and who's she's talking two Jake said. Yeah she needs to learn everything on the internet isn't true before we stop monitoring her account every day maya said.
An those rules can change over time right mom said. Right as the times change so will the rules Jake said. And the more responsibility she shows the more freedom she will have to do those things maya said.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.