We walked out of the room and into the hallway running into everyone walking past. We got out of the hallway and into the living room and Cory did a head count to make sure we had everyone. Anyone missing Sarah said.No we all said. Ok let's go mom said and we all started walking out of the house. Shannon locked the door and we walked downstairs and got into the car.
When everyone was buckled up we drove to Topanga's Paris driving this time because she was the last to get in the car because she had to tie her shoe.
When we got there we got out and made sure we had everyone and everything we needed before we locked the car. I had Abby and she still had her lamb In her hand and I told her not to drop it and hold on tight.
We walked into Topangas and found a spot to sit since our usual place was taken. When we found a spot we sat down and Cory grabbed more seats from our the back because we needed a few extra.
When everyone had a seat we figured out what to order. We decided to get a couple pizzas to share and drinks. Topanga went got them in the oven our back and brought us our drinks.
Abby was cuddly like she needed a nap but I was trying to keep her awake long enough to eat some lunch. Jake played some blues clues on his phone for her to keep her awake and calm while we waited.
What is that Lucas said. Blues clues it's a show even we use to watch when we were Abbys age it's been on that long Kelli said. And Abby likes it Cory said. She loves it has since we let her first watch it she was probably 9 months old at the time she was all giggles by the end of it Jake said chuckling.
It's also something that can calm her down when she's not in a happy mood no other show and get her to go from being a grumpy little munchkin to a happy little princess in just a couple minutes I said chuckling when she started giggling at it.
See she loves blues clues Sarah said chuckling. We talked for a little while longer and our pizzas were ready so Corey helped Topanga go and get them and bring them out to the table. We already had our drinks and they put the pizzas in the middle.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.