Someone wanted to match did she CeCi said chuckling. Yeah Abbys said acting goofy. She's feeling better Hannah said chuckling. She's hyper today already Shannon said chuckling.She's just snotty now I said chuckling. Mama she said lifting her arms up to me to be picked up. I picked her up and kissed her face. Elsa underwear really Sarah said chuckling to me.
What gotta get her to wear underwear somehow I said chuckling. You literally brought her frozen underwear Darby said. She's 1 it's not rocket science that she loves frozen I said chuckling.
Or literally any Disney animated movie ever Jake said chuckling. Like any typical child that is completely normal Topanga said chuckling. Exactly and If her having Elsa underwear makes her excited about potty training and makes her excited to wear them then so what I said chuckling.
Exactly you gotta do what you gotta do Cory said chuckling. Abby was playing with her lamb in my lap talking to it and showing it to my bump not completely understanding how that works. Aww she has no idea Paris said chuckling.
She's to little to completely understand Shannon said chuckling. Yeah let her have her fun it's cute jack said chuckling. We were all watching her for a couple minutes and she was in her own little world.
How about we watch a show Topanga said. Sure we all said and she turned the tv on and asked us what channel. Let's watch Nickelodeon for a change Kelli said. Yeah Joey said and she turned it on. When she turned it on and Bog time rush was on.
What's this Zay said. Big time rush there a band you basically get to see how the industry can work behind the scenes in this Paris said. Some of its a little fake though Demi said.
Yeah but the recording and anything to do with the actual music part is pretty realistic I said. Yeah Shannon said. Aren't they like a real band two Hannah said.
Yeah they could take a brake and keep going all there life's if they wanted two Sarah said. We stopped talking about it and started watching it and laughing at all the crazy stuff they were doing. How does that even make sense Lucas said chuckling.
Who knows Darby said chuckling. Little miss was snuggled into my side looking like all cute wanting snuggle's. Little cuddle monster over here Jake said chuckling kissing her head making her giggle. Oh that tickles Sarah said chuckling.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.