We were relaxing while Darby took her shower and Abby was playing until she came over wanting help with a toy that broke. Broke she said handing it over. It broke let's see what we can do to change that I said and pushed the wheel back on until I heard a click.There we go all better I said handing it back to her. Thank you mama she said and gave me a kiss. Your welcome princess I said and she ran away and played again. You fixed that Hannah said.
It just comes apart all the time so we fix it for her Jake said. Why Kelly said. Because it's one of his toys from when he was a kid she actually has a few of our childhoods toys and some of them tend to brake I said as Darby came out of the bathroom and Hannah went in.
Good to know Kelly said. Abby was running around the room on high energy and it was kinda funny. What happened here Darby said chuckling. Nothing this is what a toddler does there always full of energy and love to run Jake said chuckling.
Why Kelly said. It's a development thing ones little ones figure out how to talk and run they keep doing it because there little brains have realised they have that independence now that's why you need to hold a little kids hand or carry them because they don't understand the danger of running on a busy sidewalk or into a street yet that's what you need to teach them I said.
Have you taught her Darby said. We will over time she knows when we aren't in the house she is to hold one of our hands or asked to be carried Jake said. It's just a faze that we all go through she's aloud to run around in the house we just have to tell her to be careful so she doesn't hurt herself I said.
Fair enough Kelly said. Hannah came out of the bathroom and Kelly went in and took a quick shower. Abby came over and wanted up now so I picked her up and sat her in my lap. She kissed my bump twice on two sides and started talking to the babies and they were moving around at the same time.
You talking to the baba's honey Jake said chuckling. Yeah I talking to baba 1 and baba 2 Abby said pointing at my bump where each baby kinda was. Why Hannah said.
It's a little kid thing she's talking to her siblings in my belly because she knows they can hear her and feel her that's how we're teaching her that they love her and that they're gonna meet her soon enough I said.
You have to prep a small child for a sibling we chose to be honest and included her in milestones and let her learn about them in a toddler safe way she loves them already which is a good sign that it is working Jake said. Good to know Darby said.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.