We kept talking for a while and Abby eventually woke up again from her nap and she was being all cute and cuddly. Mama Abby said. Yes Abby I said back. Mama she said giggling. Yes Abby I said chuckling knowing where this was going.Mama she said giggling. Yes Abby I said chuckling. Hi she said giggling. Hi cheeky I said chuckling tickling her. What was that Harper said chuckling.
It's something maya use to do to mom so mom taught Abby as pay back Shannon said chuckling. Why Layla said chuckling.
It's just what we do on our family we like to play jokes on each other it's why we are so close cause we can do that and we know not to take it to far to make the other person upset or frustrated Sarah said.
Who taught you to do that because you had to have learn it somewhere Topanga said chuckling. She did it I said pointing at Shannon. Cayla started it she taught me she said chuckling.
Shocker Demi said chuckling. Quiet you Shannon said chuckling. Jake got over running so he came and sat down next to me. Hi dada Abby said. Hey Abby Jake said chuckling know what it was.
Dada she said giggling. Yes Princess Jake said chuckling. Dada she said again. Yes ladybug Jake said chuckling. Hi she said giggling. Hi Jake said chuckling tickling her belly making her giggle and squeal like crazy.
That laugh is really something Harper said chuckling. It's the cutest thing ever Sarah said chuckling. That's definitely true Layla said chuckling.
Abby calmed down and Jake stopped tickling her and had a drink of water and gave it to me and I had a drink. Abby decided to play with my finger and the ring I had on my finger. What's that ring for Harper asked. It's a promise ring Sarah said.
It's my promise that when we're a little older we will get married Jake said. You already know your gonna do that Layla said.
They do they've been friends since birth because our parents are friends and everyone new they would eventually start dating with how they acted together growing up they were very protective of each other and then they turned about ten you could see them having crushes on each other because they would secretly look at each other when the other one was looking in a different direction Shannon said chuckling.
It was fate then Harper said chuckling. Exactly we would probably ended up together anyway either then or when we were teenagers we took it slow anyway I said.
Yeah they would go on movie dates with the rest of our group of friends the only difference was they would hold hands and kiss each other's cheeks goodbye and sit next to each other sharing pop corn completely g rated until we all got a little older Sarah said.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.