Smackle was fast asleep still in her bed buried under her covers and pillows. Is she even in there yogi said chuckling. Let's find out Paris said and grabbed a hockey stick and poked her. She moved so she was definitely in there.Why you using a hockey stick Darby said. Because tired CeCi is mean CeCi and you could lose a finger maya said chuckling. She even scares me sometimes and my her boyfriend Farkle said chuckling.
Oh yeah you handle her I said pushing him towards her bed. Why me he said. She's your girlfriend Sarah said chuckling. He jumped on her and annoyed her until she groaned stop. She sat up and turned around. So now she wakes up maya said chuckling. Shut up she said chuckling.
You know it's almost 11:30 I said. I do now she said and got out of bed and went and took a shower and quickly got ready while we just sat in her room. What the butt is this Hannah said pointing at a butt. Maya kicked it and a head popped up. That be a Rachel Kelli said chuckling and she got up so confused.
Why were you sleeping on the floor I said. I was in the bed I must of got kicked off sometime during the night she said chuckling. Anyone else here maya said chuckling. How did I get under the bed Nicole said sliding out. Geez how many people are there Hannah said chuckling.
Clair rolled off the other side of the bed and we laughing because it was kinda funny. Owe a guy said. Found Dylan maya said chuckling. The chair moved and a blanket fell. And we found a Kyle Paris said chuckling. Ok then Darby said.
They were al awake now and so confused. CeCi hurry up I need to pee Dylan said banging on the door. Ok ok she said opening the door and let him in and she walked out. Why are all these people in your room yogi asked. Because there my friends and we had a sleepover Smackle said.
You let boys sleep over in your room and you're moms ok with it Kelly said. Yeah there's not my boyfriend plus there gay the worse they can do is annoy me to death she said chuckling when Kyle threw a pillow at her and missed.
Haha missed me she said chuckling. He just poked his tongue out at her. They all had a quick shower and changed then they all went back in the bathroom and brushed their teeth and did their skincare and hair and everything.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.