Hungry monkey Jake said chuckling. Also tired monkey poor baby is ready for bed I said stroking her back. I don't blame her it's late Jake said. What time is it now I said yawning.Almost 8:30 he said yawning. That explains a lot I said. Abby was looking up at me while she ate and I said. Hi my princess you looking at mama I said smiling. She reached her little hand up to touch my face.
Oh do I get a hand do I, I said kissing it making her giggle. She grabbed my nose that's mommy's nose I said chuckling. She giggled and let go and I kissed her little hand.
Why you being so cute miss Jake said chuckling stroking her hair with his fingers gently getting the tangles out. Say because i am cute daddy I said chuckling stroking her back.
She finished eating after 40 minutes and unlatched herself. So I fixed myself and burped her and let her cuddle because she was oh so sleepy. She curled her little body up on my chest ready to go to sleep for the night.
Cuteness so sleepy aren't we baby Jake said stroking her little hand as she grabbed her dada's finger. We cuddling daddy's fingers to sleep I said kissing her little forehead. She wash smooshed against my chest ready to doze off into dream land.
I was stroking her back helping her and she didn't last five minutes before she was fast asleep. And she's out Jake said chuckling. Yep told you she was tired I said chuckling. So precious Jake said.
Definitely I said smiling down at her. When she was in a deep sleep I carefully got up and walked over to her crib and gently put her in and kissing her forehead whispering sleep well princess and kissed her forehead again and stood up.
Jake copied me and kissed her forehead gently whispering sleep well princess and kissed her forehead again before we stood up. We decided to quietly walk out of the room to see if the water situation is sorted yet.
We grabbed the baby monitor on the way out and turned out the lights. We quietly shut the door behind us and walked out into the living room where everyone was. Is Abby down for the night Sarah said. Yeah she's sound asleep see I said showing her on the monitor.
Smooshed face Paris said chuckling. She's cozy Jake said chuckling. don't you have a different baby monitor Cory said. They have two one that's like a walkie talkie and the camera one that helps them be able to watch her and hear her which is that one Shannon said. Yeah this is a more expensive on but it works I said.
Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.