This looks good Jake said. And smells good jack said. And tastes good Zay said. Not even five seconds and you're already talking with your mouth full Riley said. What he said. Stop talking with your mouth full it's gross I said.Fine he said and ate normally. We ate all our tacos and within ten minutes they were all gone because they were so good. There was one left. Who gets the last taco Shannon said. Ok before we fight over it think probably about it Topanga said.
Do you want it maya Sarah said. No I'm good I said. Why don't we rock paper scissors for it everyone that wants it Paris said. To late it's gone I said chuckling when Cory snuck it when they were arguing over it. Where did it go Lucas said.
Cory ate it why you all argued over it Topanga said chuckling. Dad Riley said chuckling. What you snooze you loose he said chuckling. How rude Joey and chuckling. Really full house reference Sarah said chuckling. It worked though Kelli said chuckling.
Since we were done we started cleaning I'm washing the dishes and Jake gave Abby her antibiotics and she took it like a big girl. Good job miss lady I said wiping her little face clean of food. Cookie she said.
Yes you can have a cookie I said and Jake got her one. I wanna cookie Auggie said so I let him pick one out of the box. Anyone else I said and everyone grabbed a cookie. When we all had one I put it away and sat down to eat my own.
When we were done we just sat there relaxed for a bit. Who made the cookies Farkle said. My guess would be maya Shannon said chuckling. Wasn't me this time I said chuckling.
It was me I got hungry at midnight Sarah said chuckling. Of course you did I said chuckling. We were talking for a while And of course Demi just had to yawn.
Really Topanga said chuckling. I'm tired Demi said chuckling. Yeah we see that I said chuckling. Ok I think it's time for bed Topanga said. Yeah we all said agreeing and we got up.
I picked up Abby and we started walking to our bedrooms saying goodnight to each other. When me and Jake got into our bedroom he closed and locked the door behind us while I put little miss in the floor so she could play for a few minutes.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.