Jake was just about finish running Abby a bath when I walked back in with her. I put everything down and started getting her undressed. Jake finished running her bath and she was undressed so I sat her little butt in and she played with the bubbles.Jake pulled over my seat for me and I sat down. I washed her little body to make sure she didn't stink like sweat. I washed her hair and wiped her face clean. Once she was nice and clean I let her play and splash around for a bit.
She got a little fussy after a while ready for bed so I said out time and unplugged the bathtub. I grabbed a towel and picked her up. I sat her down and dried her off with her towel. When she was nice and dry I started getting her dress.
I put on her pull up and moisturised her little body then I put in her Pj shorts and t-shirt. She was pretty fussy at this point so I picked her up. Oh I know baby girl I said sitting her on my hip. I dried her hair with her towel a bit so it wasn't dripping wet and I gently brushed it just so it wasn't so knotty.
When I was done I walked out into the bedroom with her. Oh honey someone is ready for bed Jake said. Yeah she's so tired aren't you baby girl I said stroking her back. I sat with her in my lap and she wanted to nurse so I got myself ready and helped her latch.
When she was nursing she settled down. There we go happy girl now I said kissing her little hand and she grabbed my nose gently. She's growing to fast Jake said smiling. Yeah can't believe this little monkey is almost two in a few months I said smiling.
Our little princess Jake said stroking her hair and she looked at him still nursing. Hi baby he said chuckling. We looked at her while she nursed just loving on her stroking her hair and her back and her little hand. She finished nursing after 40 minutes and unlatched herself from me.
I fixed myself up and then burped her and let her cuddle into me. And she's a sleepy baby now Jake said chuckling. Yep ready for bed now aren't we little miss I said stroking her back. She had her little face smooshed in my chest comfy as can be. She wanted to hold her dada's finger so Jake let her while she fell asleep slowly.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.