She's never had nail polish on before this Riley said. Never she's never been interested until now she's been to little to actually understand it I said. Let's see how long it last Topanga said chuckling. Honestly probably won't make it till the end of the day Paris said chuckling.Is it safe for her to have on Hannah said. Yeah these are all g polish nail polish there vegan cruelty free and have no harmful or dangerous toxins other nail polish have Sarah said. How do you know Darby said.
Because we know the girl who runs the company she's literally a girl around our age Just a year older then all of us and a couple to you Kelli said. So there safe Topanga said.
Completely if a little person were to put there fingers in there mouth and it come off it's not as bad as if it was a cheep nail polish from the store its not ideal but it won't hurt I said.
And we have nail polish remover pads that get it off in less then a couple seconds Sarah said. Good to know Riley said. Abby wanted to sit in my lap so she squeezed her way on to my lap. Not much room left on there for you missy moo Sarah said chuckling because my baby bump was getting big.
Say I don't care auntie I'm gonna squeeze my way on anyway I said chuckling. Mama she said holding up a nail of hers. Oh thank you babas I said and sat it in the trash can near us. Is that comfortable for you Paris said chuckling.
Not really but I love my little snuggle bug so I don't care I said chuckling when she cuddled into my bump. Take it while it lasts Topanga said chuckling. Exactly I said chuckling and picking her up and held her above my bump. She shoved her little head into my chest and got comfy.
Oh mama did something right Sarah said stroking her little hand that had my shirt in it. Snuggle bug Joey said. She had a hair on her lips so I took it off before she ate it by accident. She's so content Darby said.
Because she's closed to her mama and she can snuggle Kelli said. Want a drink I said offering my water to her and she grabbed at to so I gave her some.
Thirsty girl Sarah said. I'm not gonna have any after this I said chuckling. That's a good thing Topanga said chuckling.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.