Me and Jake were fast asleep until Abby started fussing and woke us up. Hey baby girl you're ok Jake said going and grabbing her.It had only been about and hour and 20 minutes so she didn't need the bathroom yet. He passed her over to me. Oh come here sweet angle I said and kissed her little face while I held her.
She settled down and was now being a cheeky little girl. Oh there's a smile Jake said. Tickling her belly making her giggle. Is daddy tickling you I said chuckling at her giggles and attempted to get away from the tickle monster that is her father.
Oh someone has the giggles today Jake said chuckling. Because you tickled me dada she said giggling. Oh did I was it something like this he said and tickled her little under arm and she giggled and squirmed. He stopped and let her settle down.
She laid there playing with her lamb for a little bit and me and Jake were talking. What time is it I asked. It is about 1:30 Jake said. So she slept for 20 minutes I said chuckling. Yep and I feel so much better he said chuckling.
Me two that's definitely what I needed I said chuckling. We both leaned in and gave each other a kiss and Abby was now jumping on the bed being crazy. Hold it right there little jumping bean I said catching her mid jump.
That's not safe honey Jake said. Why she said. Because you can fall of the bed and get and ouchie if you wanna jump to it on the floor I said putting her down and of course she started jumping around again. She definitely feels better Jake said chuckling. Yep I said chuckling.
We sat up and took a few minutes to wake up and watch our daughter play with her toys before we decided to get out of bed. After we were both up we got Abby and opened the door and saw domino's. What happened while we were asleep I said chuckling.
Apparently a domino's party Jake said chuckling and we started over them being careful not to knock any down and we careful walking out of the hallway a little confused. What's going on here I said chuckling. We got bored Kelli said chuckling.
Yeah we see that Jake said chuckling. Where did you even fine so many domino's anyway I said. We just went looking I new there was some in the game room Sarah found some in the art cupboard Shannon said. Ok then Jake said. We sat down while they did there thing.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.