The place calmed down so most of us that were still working sat down beside a few. I sat down and joey sat in my lap. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she leaned against me.You know you could have sat next to her Darby said chuckling. I know but I wanna sit in my woman's lap Joey said chuckling. And your ok with that Yogi said.
Of course she's my girlfriend why wouldn't I be I said. They do it all the time if you haven't noticed maya said chuckling. It's true Lucas said chuckling. So you don't care about people seeing you do that Hannah said.
No it's not a secret that I'm gay I just haven't come out to everyone I said. Is there a reason for that Kelly said. I don't care what people think so when they find out they find out I've already told the people I care about a long time ago that's all that matters everyone else can figure it out themselves and then ask me I said.
See she doesn't even care Sarah said chuckling. Joey grabbed my hands and held them where they were. We sat there talking and someone familiar walking in. Harper Sarah said looking at her.
Oh hey guys she said. Hey we all said. She came over and sat with us. Miss Harper your not it leather Hannah said. It's way to hot for that and it's fake leather I would never be that cruel she said. Smart Sarah said.
So what have you guys been up to this summer she asked us. We went to Australia for a couple weeks Farkle said. Really all of your she said. Them yes us no Kelly said. Isn't it cold over there she said.
Yeah it's winter but it wasn't freezing cold all the time sometimes it was just the perfect temperature I said. That's good then she said. Mama Abby said to maya. Yeah Abby maya said. Cookie she said. Haha she wants a cookie now Sarah said chuckling.
She's yours Harper said. Yeah this little hyper monster is mine maya said chuckling when mom brought her a cookie overhearing her ask and she brought Auggie one two.
What do we say missy moo Jake said. Thank you auntie she said to mom. Your very welcome sweetheart mom said walking away. How old is she hyper asked.
She's 1 maya said. And she already says thank you that's precious she said. Hi Abby said to Harper. Hi Harper said back. This is Harper one of mommy's and your aunties teachers Sarah said.
Hi Harper she said. Aww hi she said. Your melting over a baby Cory said chuckling. Shut it she said chuckling. Don't worry so does he maya said chuckling. Hey why bring me into this he said chuckling. You picked on Harper we get you back Sarah said chuckling.
You want anything Harper mom said chuckling. Yeah a water please she said. Of course coming right mom said walking away.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.