Maya: While the guys were going to get whoever wasn't with them yet me and Jake worked on getting miss Abby ready seeing as she didn't get ready yesterday and just stayed in her Pj's.
Ok first things first we gotta pick out and our so what do you wanna wear princess I asked her walking into our closest. I wanna dress like you mama she said.
Oh do you now maybe we can make that happen huh I said kissing her cheek making her cheek. Here we are dresses take your pick my love I said making it so she could reach.
I want that one she said pointing at a blue one with birdies on the bottom. Yeah you sure I said. Yeah it's like yours mama she said. It is like mine I said because mine was blue with birds all over it. It looked like this.
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Ok let's go get dressed then I said and walked out with her on my hip and her dressed in my hand. We walked back out to the bedroom and I changed her out of her Pjs and put her dress on her and she wanted to wear underwear. Ok pick I said and she picked out the ones she wanted. Oh pretty Elsa underwear I said chuckling. Yeah she said smiling. I helped put them on her and she was a happy little girl.
When she was dressed I asked her how she wanted her hair and she sneezed. Bless you I said wiping her nose and helping her blow it. That better I said. Yeah she said. Ok how do we want our hair squish I said kissing her cheeks.
I want it like yours mama she said. Like mine ok I said and brushed out her hair and braided if for her just like mine. There we go twining with mama I said chuckling as she looked at her self in the mirror being all cute.
I wonder which one of my girls is who Jake said chuckling. It's me daddy Abby said. Oh it's my daughter he said fake surprised just to make her giggle as he picked her up. So this must be mommy he said and kissed me. Funny I said back chuckling and kissed him back.
We broke apple and decided to walk out of the room to see if the guys were still there and they weren't but we could here them in the living room so that's where they went. Finally Sarah said jokingly laughing. Haha very funny I said chuckling.