When all the bags were in the house and everyone was back in we started unpacking. No fair you didn't help us bring it in Zay said to me. She can't moron she's pregnant she can't carry anything heavier then Abby Sarah said. Why though Hannah said.That's just the rules nothing over 20 pounds Shannon said. It's just a safety precaution if I could I would have helped but I can't I said rocking Abby who was now ready for a nap. Ok then Darby said. We put everything away and Paris said why do we have pickles.
Maya did it Jake said chuckling. Never mind I know why she said chuckling. I was rocking a sleepy Abby while putting some of the groceries away with on hand. When they all got put away we stood there talking. Abby was fast asleep on my shoulder looking very cute.
That little squish face Topanga said chuckling. She's out Jake said chuckling playing with her hand. Don't wake her unless you want a grump baby I said chuckling. How bad can she be Kelly said.
When Abbys grumpy that means temper tantrums there not fun for anyone because she's screaming and crying Sarah said. That happens Topanga said.
If she's over tired yes it's more likely to happen then if she wasn't it takes more for her to have a tantrum other then not getting her way if she's not tired I said.
We know our child we know what works tired means more likely to be grumpy and in a bad mood which means more likely to have a tantrum Jake said. Good to know Hannah said. She can sleep through anything can't she Cory said.
Almost anything a bomb could go off and she probably wouldn't notice I said. We kept the house at a normal level of noise when she was a newborn instead of it being completely quiet Sarah said.
Because of that this little monkey sleeps through anything unless she's in a light sleep like just dozing off or just starting to waking up Shannon said. You did that on purpose Topanga said.
I wanted her to be able to take a nap anywhere babies can sleep anywhere if you let them be around noise I said. Wish I new that she said chuckling. Would have been helpful Cory said chuckling.
You didn't do that Lucas said. No we did not we didn't with Riley we kept everything quiet whenever she slept as a baby same with Auggie Topanga said. That explains why I'm a light sleeper Riley said chuckling. Yeah it does Joey said chuckling.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.