We played Mario cart a few more hours and then we heard thunder and we stopped. What time is it Paris said. Uh 6:40 mom said. We played for 2 hours maya said chuckling.Apparently I said chuckling. We should probably get home before that storm hits Hannah said. As she said that it started pouring down and thundered again. To late Darby said chuckling.
We might still be able to go dad said. And then it started hailing. Or maybe wait mom said chuckling. Call your parents let them know your safe Shannon said. They all got up walking out of the room and did that.
We don't know how long this will be what do we want for dinner mom said. Let's just do something with vegetables because we literally ate French fry's for lunch Kelli said. Yeah we need something healthy maya said. Ok mom said.
We all got up and walked out of the movie room and the girls and yogi were on there phones still. They all had there parents who wanted to talk to an adult. Mom and dad took two each and walked away. Let's get dinner started Shannon said and us girls walked into the kitchen while the guys sat down in the living room staying out of the way.
What are we eating Hannah said. What we call vegan jambalaya it's vegetables Shannon said. Why is it always health with you people Darby said chuckling. Because we actually care what we put in our bodies eating to much junk and fried food isn't healthy sometimes it's ok but having a lot of it is not Sarah said.
We always eat pretty healthy because it's what our body needs and we like it doesn't mean it can't taste amazing trust me you will like it if we can get the boys to eat like this all summer you can handle one night of it maya said. Mom and dad came back and handed them there phones.
Ok if it doesn't get any better outside then your parents have requested that you sleep over there with us until tomorrow mom said. We get to sleep over cool Kelly said. Maybe there's no guarantee yet so don't get your hopes up mom said.
We started making dinner chopping up all the vegetables and everything that goes into it and put it all in a pot on the stove. When it was all chopped up and put on the stove we just had to wait for it too cooked. Shannon decided to make a quick vegan garlic bread and stick it in the oven to have that as well.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.