When Jake finally finished tickling his daughter we were talking about why we wanted to do today seeing as we already did the one thing we had to do today and it was only 12:10.It took us not even and hour to get ready go get groceries come back and put it all away. How about we go to the beach Paris said. Yeah but it's really got out Shannon said.
What about the pool dad said. Sure everyone said. Ok let's get ready then those who don't live here or aren't staying here I'm sure someone has a bathing suit you can borrow mom said.
Yeah we have a few Laying around Sarah said. We all got up and started walking to the bedrooms and we went looking for ones that fit them.
Yogi got a pair off one of the guys and the girls found some in Maya's closet because apparently Sarah is one size to small for the 3 of them which was funny. We all put on bathing suits and coverings.
Me and joeys got ours on and grabbed what we needed and walked out off the room as others came out. Darby Hannah and Kelly came out of maya and Jakes room and we could hear screaming. What's going on I said chuckling.
Abby is refusing to put her pants on Hannah said chuckling. Toddlers of course that's what's going down in there I said chuckling. Has maya and Jake changed yet mom said. No well Jake has maya no Darby said.
I got this mom said and walked in to help them closing the door behind her. What's going on Sarah said coming out. Maya is trying to get Abby change and Abby is screaming up a storm Joey said.
Ok apparently we have reached the terrible 2's already Dad said walking our hearing the conversation. Mom came out. Did you fix it I said chuckling.
Nope maya had to let her pick a different one now she's happy terrible 2's are here apparently mom said. That's what I just said dad said chuckling. Everyone else came out ready and we waited of maya and Jake and they finally came out maya carrying Abby who just wanted cuddles now.
Are we all better now Shannon said. Yeah we're all better apparently we didn't want that swim suit even though she picked it Jake said. She changed her mind maya said rocking her daughter to settle her.
How many bathing suits does she have Lucas said. 3 the one she really wanted is now to small for her she second one she apparently hates so we had to settle for this pink mermaid one Jake said.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanficAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.