Shocker Farkle said chuckling about Zay. You are mean when you wanna be Kelly said chuckling. You get use to it smackle said chuckling.It's true I said chuckling. When he's in a smart ass mood that's what happened maya said chuckling rocking a now fast asleep Abby.
Anyway what did you guys get at the mall Jake said. Us girls got some new clothes and jewellery while the boys paris said.
We got lightsabers Lucas said pulling it out and all the boys did the said. Child the lot of you maya said chuckling.
We're not children there authentic lightsabers jack said. Nerds Sarah mumbled trying not to laugh at her own boyfriend playing with one. They all got up and started playing with them and we were just watching lost.
How am I the normal one Jake said chuckling. Probably because you don't like Star Wars maya said chuckling. You don't like Star Wars dad said.
No it's boring and predictable I've never even watched it I don't care about the whole Luke I am your father thing Jake said.
Then how to you know that Hannah said. Darth Vader in German is literally dark father I've never even watched it and even I know that maya said. That's why it's boring and predictable Shannon said.
What about star track dad said. Boring maya said. She hates sci-fi Sarah said. Really Darby said. Yeah I can't stand sci-fi it puts me to sleep it's that boring maya said.
Now that we agree on I said chuckling and we did our secret handshake. Everything was quiet till we heard a girly scream. What was that girly scream Demi said chuckling.
Let's go find out mom said chuckling and we all got up. We walked to where the boys were and Jake said chuckling who did that girly as scream. He did it they all said pointing at each other.
Children dad said chuckling. What was it about anyway Kelli said chuckling. That Lucas said pointing at the rat caught in the glue trap. And we have a rat maya said. I'll call Kingston Shannon said pulling out her phone and calling again.
They were playing with their stupid toys again and one of them whacked me in the head by accident. Watch where you point those things I said rubbing the back of my head. Sorry Zay said.
Smackle almost got hit but catches it and yanked it and accidentally broke it. Haha authentic my ass maya said chuckling. Saw that coming mom said chuckling. They carried on playing and not even five minutes later half of them were broken.
Kingston showed up and got the rat and put it in a cage to deal with later and grabbed the rest of the traps so nobody steps in them and gets stuck. Ok now that I have the rat hopefully you will have no more trouble he said. Hope so thanks Kingston Sarah said. No problem he said and left.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.