When me and Jake got back into our bedroom with Abby he closed and locked the door behind him. How are my girls he said coming over when he was done.We're good just a little sleep deprived aren't we miss I said kissing Abbys cheek making her giggle. Glad to see we are feeling better little miss Jake said kissing her other cheek. All of a sudden she sneezed. Bless you I was wiping her nose with a tissue.
We sat down with her and she was showing nursing signs so I decided to see if she wanted to. I got myself ready and helped her latch and she stayed latched and started eating a little bit.
So now she nurses but didn't want to last night Jake said chuckling. I think little love was just to sleepy last night and a baba was faster for her to eat I said chuckling stroking her head while she ate.
Yeah that must me it he said chuckling. Baby girl was busy nursing away and me and Jake were cuddling. This bump is getting bigger he said chuckling.
I know there getting big I said chuckling stroking my bump with one hand while holding Abby with the other. They moved and we both felt it. Crazy kiddos and there not even here he said chuckling.
Where gonna be parents of 3 in a few months that's insane to think about I said chuckling. I know amazing what life can turn into isn't it from our first little play dates at a few months old to our actual first date and our first baby girl he said kissing Abbys foot making her giggle nursing.
Life goes by so fast but enjoying the little moments and making memories are what make it so amazing I said smiling. Absolutely I'm glad I get to do life with you he said smiling and kissed me.
I love doing life with you I said smiling into the kiss. We were in our own little moment and we heard our door opened but gave it a second.
We broke apart to see who it was and it was CeCi, hannah, Darby Kelly and yogi. Hey I said chuckling. Hey CeCi said chuckling. How did you get in the house Jake said chuckling.
I found my key she said chuckling. About time it's been missing what 2 years I said chuckling. Maybe she said chuckling. How does she get a key anyway Hannah said chuckling.
A lot of our friends we trust have a key Riley has a key same with Cory and Topanga my parents have an open door policy if anyone ever needs a place to crash within reason they are almost always welcome you gain my parents trust they end up giving you a key I said.
All our parents are like that Jake said. Yeah they have a key to my place it's all about trust CeCi said. Fair Kelly said chuckling.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.