After looking at photos for awhile we realised what time it was. It's 6:30 already how did that happen so fast Joey said. No idea we just kept ourselves entertained mom said. We should probably be getting home then Darby said.Yeah Hannah said. I'll drive you dad said getting up and grabbing his keys. We said goodbye to them for the day and they left. Right I guess we should make dinner what should we have mom said. Vegan chilli Paris said. You and your Chilli Kelli said chuckling. Let's just make it Sarah said chuckling.
Us girls got up while the boys sat and looked after Auggie keeping him entertained. We walked into the kitchen and grabbed everything we needed to cook and we got started.
When we did everything we had to and it was cooking mom told a few of us to go see how everyone was feeling and see if they wanna join us for dinner or not. Me and Sarah went and checked on everyone starting with Shannon and Demi.
Sarah poked her head in to make sure it was safe and then let us in. We walked in and walked over to them and they were asleep. We gently shook them both awake and they groaned. When they were awake enough we started talking.
How you guys feeling Sarah said. Tired Demi mumbled falling back asleep. Me two Shannon said. Do you still feel sick at all I said. No we're fine we're just exhausted Shannon said.
Well would you like to join us for dinner it looks like it has passed maya feels the same just tired so does Abby Sarah said. I guess getting a little changed of scenery won't hurt let me get this one awake and we'll meet you out there what are we eating.
Chilli I said. Paris finally got her way she said chuckling. Apparently Sarah said chuckling. We should go check on the other 4 I said. Yeah let's go she said and we walked out of the room and shut the door behind us.
We walked to smackle and Farkles room and she poked her head in first. Once she was sure it was safe she let us in. We walked in and smackle was awake but Farkle was asleep. Hey I said. Hey she said. How you feeling Sarah said.
Better exhausted though she said. That's how everyone else feels I said. What about this one Sarah said running a finger down Farkles back and he mumbled stop. He's fine just exhausted two he's awake but he's trying to go back to sleep she said and an eye popped open.
I see that eye ball I said chuckling. He groaned in response to me. Anyway we were seeing if you would like to join everyone for dinner since this stomach bug as pass you guys are all feeling better besides being tired Sarah said. I would I don't know about grumpy over here smackle said stroking Farkles arm.
Do you wanna come out and eat I said. What is it he asked. Vegan chilli if you don't feel like it we can find something you can eat Sarah said. Fine he said. Yeah your gonna come out I said. He shook his head yes and said only if she does. I will smackle said.
Ok take a minute we're gonna go wake maya and Jake probably just come out when you feel ready Sarah said. Ok they both said and we left the room.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.