Abby was cuddled into me sleepy. Your tired aren't you baby girl I said stroking her head. She was busy sucking her paci. Let's go see dada I said getting up and walking out with her.We walked back into the living room and they were still drawing. Oh sleepy girl Jake said when I sat next to him. She's got a little temperature again I just gave her some medicine I said.
Poor baby Jake said kissing her cheek. She looks like she wants to go back to bed Hannah said. She does she does poor bug doe's feel that grate Jake said. She just wants her mama Sarah said.
Yep she's not letting go any time soon and I don't blame her I said stroking her back. Sickie baby she definitely doesn't feel to good Shannon said. She started fussing and I new she wanted to nurse so I got myself ready took her paci away and helped her latch.
All better Paris said chuckling. Comfort nurse is all she wants Topanga said. I feel so bad for her you know she feels yucky when she wants to nurse threw the day Kelli said.
Really Darby said. She doesn't normally nurse through the day that stopped a couple months ago it's only when she's not feeling good and wants comfort that she wants to nurse through the day I said.
Good to know Hannah said. They went back to drawing and Abby wanted my finger in her little hand while she ate so I was stroking her little cheek with my other fingers. She was also kicking her little feet and kicking her auntie Riley.
Ay I saw that little miss she said chuckling tickling her foot. What Jake said. Someone's trying to kick me Riley said chuckling. She does that to me all the time Jake said chuckling. Really Lucas said.
Yeah it's because she has energy that has to go somewhere and kicking her little legs makes that happen she doesn't mean to kick whoever is next to her it's just lucky I said chuckling. It doesn't hurt but her tiny feet pack a punch Riley said chuckling.
Yeah they do they always have Sarah said chuckling. When she was first born when i held her for the first time she was kicking her legs around even then they were strong little things Shannon said.
It's true all my babies have strong legs I said chuckling as the two in my belly kicked strong enough for everyone to see. There gonna be just as strong little kickers Paris said chuckling. They already are pretty strong Jake said chuckling. It's true I said.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.