Abby decided to kick her little legs and kick Jake while she was nursing. Hey quick kicking daddy you Jake said chuckling. Someone's cheeky Darby said chuckling. No kidding I said kissing her hand that tried to grab my nose.Ay I said chuckling. She was giggling and eating. Is that what it's like that have kids Hannah said. Yes yes it is tickling her little armpits seeing as she was hyper trying to grab my face.
It seems so easy for you Kelly said. It is having a bunch of little sisters you tend to learn a lot being a parent is different though you can't just give the baby to anyone else I said.
Not to mention you feel guilty when your away from your little one for two long even if it's nice to have a brake Jake said. Really Hannah said. Yeah especially when there this little and don't understand everything that's happening I said.
Good to know I guess yogi said. Let's go tell others we're here and leave them be CeCi said getting them out of the room noticing Abby was just about done eating.
They left the room and Jake locked the door again. Abby nursed for a little longer and then she was done and unlatched herself from me. I fixed myself and then burped her.
Then I let her cuddle herself onto my chest soaking up every little moment I have with her knowing one day she'll fight me when I hug her. Sleepy baby now are we Jake said chuckling stroking her head head and kissing her cheek.
Oh daddy I think we have a full belly I said chuckling stroking her back because she was looking a little milk drunk. She might actually take a nap today she hasn't in a little while Jake said.
Yeah hopefully especially after last night she needs her rest even if she feels better I said. True Jake said letting her have his finger to hold as comfort. She started rubbing her eyes sleepy and I said gentle baba don't hurt yourself hey I said stroking her cheek.
Jake grabbed her paci and offered it to her. Here princess want your paci he said and she took it. She sucked on it and soothed herself. She was getting so close to taking a nap it was adorable. I rocked her gently and she dozed off.
And there's the nap Jake said quietly. So precious I said quietly. She fell asleep completely and we could here her little snores because of her still being a little congested. And she's out Jake said chuckling. Yeah fast asked I said chuckling getting up.
I walked over to her crib and gently laid her down kissing her forehead whispering sleep well princess and kissed her forehead again and stood up. Jake copied me and kissed her forehead whispering sleep well princess and kissed her forehead again and stood up next to me and cuddled me from behind.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.