Abby decided she would do cartwheels on her own and she did it all the way to the other end Sarah helping her. Go Abby Topanga said chuckling. I sat back down for a bit and drank some water.How can a one year old do that it's impressive Hannah said chuckling. She wanted to learn so I taught her she can learn anything she puts her little mind two and I'll help her any way I can I said.
She's encouraging her to do something scary rather then saying no like most parents would lily said. Exactly our way of parenting may be different then it was 20 something years ago but our child will learn from experience rather then wait until your older or your not big enough to do that unless it's a safe issue she'll do it Jake said.
See not just me she's a smart little girl she knows her limits she knows she's go a while to go before she can do it without any help doesn't mean she won't try I said. That's the kinda parenting that gets you in a cast Darby said.
Not really we grew up the same way sky said. And I've only broken an actual bone once and that was this year I've had other injuries but none really serious I said.
Yeah we rarely have a broken bone from any of this hers just happened because she's a klutz Shannon said chuckling.
I hate to say it but it's true I said chuckling. In fact I think half of her injures she's ever had are because she's a klutz Riley said chuckling. That's true Paris said chuckling. What time is it CeCi asked. Uh 6:30 already Topanga said.
Wow that went fast lily said. Yeah it did Cory said. To be fair we spent a lot of time cleaning Patrick said. Yeah anyway we should probably get going get everyone home mom said. Sounds like a good plan lily said.
We got everything and all the kids that belong to us and said goodbye to the rest saying will probably see them tomorrow anyway. After saying goodbye we walked out with all our stuff and started getting into the car since it finally stopped raining even for a little while.
When everyone was in Shannon drove out of the driveway since she was the one in the front this time and we all waved at them as we drove away. We dropped of Darby, Hannah, Kelly and yogi at their houses.
Then we dropped of CeCi, Rachel, Nicole, Clair, Kyle and Dylan all at CeCi's place so it was now just us and we drove back to the apartment. When we got there we got out and grabbed everything we brought with us and I had Abby while Jake had the baby bag.
When we had everyone and everything we locked the car and walked upstairs to the apartment. We walked in and all just crashed on the couch for a few minutes.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.